#fitness2020 25reps Challenge Episode 5 - Online fitness buddies

Welcome back to another episode of my workout video. Apologize I had so many post today due to the fact that the video I uploaded wasn't posted in Steem. I took things to me own hand and made a manual post via #sportstalksocial, little did I know later the video post appeared and I have 2 identical posts here. In view of both posts being upvoted, I'd choose to take the courtesy of replacing the content for one of the post to avoid it being rephrase as deleted post. Who wants to vote for a deleted post? So I took the time to correct them and here today I have 4 posts in total because now I need to submit my daily workout program since @oneray is joinging my activity, I can't possibly backing myself up?

Morning walk was decent, air quality dropped a little due to season changed. Mind you in this south east asia countries, people tend to do open burning as long as it stopped raining.

The sky wasn't as bright as this, I just couldn't get the phone camera to capture what I seen with my own eyes. Oh well, 64MP. Once again, may be the phone saw the "real" thing, my eyes didn't.

My younger kid still not fully well, so the mother decided to leave him home with me, am afraid if send him to Sunday school if other kids think he has the deadly virus. Might as well self quarantine better than getting insulted by others. She dropped me a message and I had to rush downhill before 8am. Once again, this place looks so much brighter in the photograph.

By the time I reached home, sun barely up. Today has been good, not too much of sunlight, not too warm, no rain though.

Previous episodes for March Week 1
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

Contest(March Week 1)

Here's the #steem part I would like to put up. I would like to invite friends to participate in fitness. I am the guy who sign up a gym membership, but didn't go there even once because lack of workout buddy. I like "social fitness", literally go to the gym for social purpose. To me, gym is a lifestyle. I need peer pressure and I certainly hope this even will help you to continue posting daily because of the workout.


5 Steem for the winner

3 Steem for 2nd

1 Steem for 3rd

1 Steem for anyone who complete the challenge and make a summary workout report

If there's little participants, I'll just wipe my ass and walk out continue my workout with a few buddies. If there's enough participants, I will try to increase the top prize with snowball effect. When there's no taker, I will continue to add up the amount. Each week if nobody come forth and claim the reward, I will add it up.


  1. Do the workout. Do atleast accountable for 25 reps of exercise.
  2. Record a video as prove of work
  3. Upload it to any social media that can allow user to watch without sign in, preferably dtube or 3speak
  4. Make a post with your prove of work and tag #fitness2020 on the first five tag for ease of curation
  5. Make an extra summary report by the end of challenge.
  6. Contest end - payout date of the announcement post
  7. No spam, no recycle video
  8. If you have anything to say, keep the video short, within 7 minutes.

Why this contest?

You may be saying, Dave 25 reps is a joke. Why not take it up to 50? Well, despite this contest is a fitness workout contest, ultimately its an excuse for us to make a post. I would like to take this opportunity to promote fitness, and to keep author posting on a regular basis, an extra topic for everyone to participate. I have prepared some steem for fellow participants. Ultimately, it benefit myself too, because I need workout buddy. And you my friend, 1 post a day for the fitness, you earn your potential upvote, body is yours, fitness is yours, and do the summary report and 1Steem is yours. If you win because you're handsome, or have a sexy bikini body, there you have somemore STEEM as per prize stipulated.

February contest announcement and summary can be found here
Week 4 conclusion can be found here
Week 3 conclusion can be found here
Week 2 conclusion can be found here
Week 1 conclusion can be found here

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