Personal experience preparing arroz con pollo / Experiencia personal preparando arroz con pollo

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Good Community HIVE FOOD start in this community with my recipe for Arroz con pollo to my particular style that I learned with my grandmother, super easy to make at home and economical, with few ingredients and is rich. Making a good arroz con pollo is not as difficult as it seems, you can try it. It is made with chopped chicken thigh and breast, but as my daughter and wife asked me for rice with chicken today I had was breast and we started this way with these ingredients I had at home.

Good Community HIVE FOOD start in this community with my recipe for Arroz con pollo to my particular style that I learned with my grandmother, super easy to make at home and economical, with few ingredients and is rich. Making a good arroz con pollo is not as difficult as it seems, you can try it. It is made with chopped chicken thigh and breast, but as my daughter and wife asked me for rice with chicken today I had was breast and we started this way with these ingredients I had at home.



1/2k of chicken breast.
4 smoked bones or 1 cutlet.
1 1/2 cups of Premium Rice or parboiled rice.
1 tablespoon of Carmencita.
1 carrot.
3 Sweet bell pepper.
1/2 bell pepper.
1 small onion.
1 sprig of chives.
1 branch of garlic.
3 cloves of garlic.
Salt, pepper, oregano, cumin to taste.
Worcestershire sauce.
1 bay leaf.
Oil for frying.
5 cups of water.


1/2k de Pechuga de pollo.
4 Huesos ahumados o 1 Chuleta.
1 1/2 tazas de Arroz Premium o arroz parbolizado.
1Cda de Carmencita.
1 Zanahoria.
3 Ají dulce.
1/2 pimentón.
1 Cebolla pequeña.
1 Rama de cebollín.
1 Rama de ajo porro.
3 Dientes de Ajo.
Sal, pimienta, orégano, comino al gusto
Salsa inglesa.
1 hoja de laurel.
Aceite para sofreír.
5 tazas de agua.


Chop the breast in cubes, then season with garlic, salt, pepper, cumin, orensano and Worcestershire sauce, all to taste. Mixed well, let it rest, we chop the dressings. Onion, chives, and garlic, all in squares, we put them in a bowl. Then the paprika and the sweet bell pepper we also chop into small squares and place them together in a separate container, the carrot and the celery Spain, we chop into small squares and place them in a separate container.

Picamos la pechuga en cuadritos, luego sazonamos con Ajo, sal, pimienta, comino, orensano y salsa inglesa todo al gusto. Mezclado bien, dejamos reposando, vamos picamos los Aliños. Cebolla, cebollín, ajo porro todos en cuadritos los colocamos en un recipiente. Luego el pimentón y el ají dulce también lo picamos en cuadritos y lo colocamos juntos en otro recipiente aparte, la zanahoria y el apio España, picamos en cuadritos y colocamos en un recipiente aparte.



Heat our frying pan, add oil and fry the chicken with the smoked bone, when it is well cooked and golden brown add the onion, chives and garlic, mix well and then add the sweet bell pepper with the paprika, mix well add the carrot with the celery Spain, and then add the rice, mix well all the ingredients and add the Carmencita and add the water, salt and bay leaf. Let it cook over medium heat, when the water is consumed, lower the heat very low and cover, approximately 10 to 15 minutes. The secret is to check after 10 minutes how the rice is cooking. When it is ready, turn off the heat and let it rest to settle the flavors for at least 10 minutes.

Calentamos nuestro sartén, colocamos aceite y sofreímos el pollo con el hueso ahumado, cuando esté bien cocido y dorado le agregamos, el recipiente donde tenemos la cebolla, cebollín y ajo porro, mesclamos bien y luego agregamos el ají dulce con el pimentón, mesclamos bien agregamos la zanahoria con el apio España, y luego agregamos el arroz mesclado bien todo los ingredientes y le colocamos el Carmencita y agregamos el agua, colocamos la sal y la hoja de laurel. Dejamos cocinar a fuego intermedio, cuando se consuma el agua, bajamos el fuego muy lento y tapamos, aproximadamente 10 a 15 minutos. El secreto es revisar a los 10 minutos cómo va la cocción del arroz. Al estar listo apagamos y dejamos reposar para asentar los sabores por menos 10 minutos.



It is very important to use Premium rice or parboiled rice as they are ideal for making rice with chicken or paella, the grain is larger and remains very loose. This type of rice has 3 cups of water for each cup of rice, it is the secret to achieve a perfect grain, in its point.
I hope you like my recipe and try to make it at home and let me know how my first goal was to leave my wife and daughter delighted with this dish.

Es muy importante usar arroz Premium o arroz parbolizado ya que son ideales para hacer arroz con pollo o paellas el grano es más grande queda muy suelto. Este tipo de arroz lleva 3 tazas de agua por cada taza de arroz, es el secreto para lograr un grano perfecto. en su punto.
Espero que le guste mi receta e intenten hacerla en casa y me comentes como te fue mi primer objetivo logre dejar encantada esposa e hija con este plato de comida.



All images are personal and are taken from my cell phone to share with the hive community the recipe.

Todas las imágenes son personales son tomadas de mi celular para compartir con la comunidad de hive la receta


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