This is the story of Pizza and burger, one of the best fast food restaurants in multan city of saints

Hi hive friends.

The story of this beautiful restaurant is that three months ago it was built by a friend of mine who has been studying with me in school and college and from the beginning he has a great passion for business. Especially, whenever we used to go to such hotels etc.

He used to say here that one day I will build such a hotel, then after college life, my contact with him was less. After two or three years, he got a call that he was building this restaurant, but then due to some engagements, I was not able to go.

He has seen many special things and learned many special things about how to run a business. The hotel he built is a very popular place here called Gulshan Market. and he did not compromise on the decoration.

This picture you are seeing is his outdoor space and from this you can guess that here he has done the lighting in a very beautiful way and everything has been made with a lot of effort and heart so it is all the things looked very beautiful too.

Here in these pictures you can see that he has also ordered the tables very special and beautiful and the chairs that are also very comfortable and the farm chairs were ordered. But he had a lot of passion, so he has invested a lot of money and is working very hard, and the good thing is that people are liking decoration here and liking his stuff.

Doing business is run by two things, one is good decoration and good quality, so he has worked very hard on these two things and both things are very perfect. There were hours of sitting so people would rush here and then they would order what they wanted, some people would like to eat pizza, some people would like to eat Zinger, and here it was for children. There were duties etc. There were also cold drinks, so all the elements of fast food were there.

As you can see in the front part, the counter and table were made, the owner used to sit here and the person you see in front was the owner of the same shop, he invested all the money and worked hard to make it a beautiful business. has made it successful and there was so much competition here, there were 10 pizza shops built on a one kilometer road,

So it was not so easy to run the business here, but due to the interest, it was very successful. He has run the business more sensibly, in the beginning he kept the quality and kept the prices of the things low, but there was no difference in the quality. They have become hers and mostly order online from her, and she has two guys who deliver food to their homes.

Here he has sensibly put this birthday decoration piece in advance. When it is someone's birthday, then here again he puts balloons etc. at the same time and the way they say about the decoration is more for them.

He decorates it and gives it away and takes a little extra money because all these things have to be bought for decoration but this part he has put here for birthday celebrations and that is good because nowadays people In the same way you celebrate your birthday sitting inside the hotel with all your friends and your families, we have seen all these things happen in every hotel.

These are his shop cards with the rate list of everything and here if I talk about the prices, he has kept the prices very low because I know and all of us who are going to other hotels. And here it is so much less but there is no difference in the quality.

The prices here are that its large pizza is 1000 rupees and if it is converted into dollars, it becomes about 3 and a half dollars and here the pizza is as much as its portion and as many slices if we If you go to another place and eat, that pizza costs around 1500.

On the walls as you can see, he has made beautiful panaflex with pictures of pizzas on them, Zinger Burgers on them, pictures of all the atoms he had on them. are installed and because of which a person starts to feel more hungry after seeing all these things and these walls were looking very beautiful because of all these panaflex and here I would like to say something more that Here.

The hotels near him, especially the pizza restaurants, are having a lot of trouble because the price is very low and the quality is good, and people who have their own business. Leaving the other shops, they are coming towards him.

Here the calculation of free delivery was that if anyone orders online, he had to pay more than 600 Pakistani gadar because the boy's expenses were also there and the bike's petrol was also there, so this thing was done and it was good.

The thing is because the people who order 200 rupees and travel five kilometers do not realize that these are very poor and hard working people but they give such an order that they lose. May it not happen and all the damage will be done to the boy who has been standing and working hard for a long time.

The pizza test was a lot of fun and we weren't that hungry so this time we only tried the pizza, next time I visit his hotel I will show you the pictures of all the other items and I myself like to eat zinger very much and I will sit here and eat zinger and tell you all the other things about this place. I hope you all will like this place rent has reached Rs 1lac.

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