Deliciousness and Bliss Incoming...

Dear Foodie & Sandwich-Lover -
Before you check the content of this blog!
Go and Eat Something First
- If you don't, it will finish with a: "I told you so!"


There is not often that i need to be motivated to make a Sandwich, if you follow my crazy ass for the last couple of years... you know that already!

So short story long: After a nice and well feed day today, i went to the neighbors to get my dose of internet. (Yeah, fecking provider has our line still cut to zero... though just sent us the last months bill! Ha, fecking Jocker!)

While checking also on my "family" at the Terminal on discord (still thinking this is a bad choice of name, i'm in discord about that for sure). First message i read was about @thekittygirl's dinner evening meal, talking soup and meatballs.

Fun Fact on my side: When folks talk about food, there is instantly a picture of a sandwich in my head. Often enough with the ingredients of the mentioned food. Yeah, i make sandwiches out of everything. Hehehe!

So i posted a picture of a sandwich i made some time ago... and Bingo, i was hooked. Even though i had my fair share of food during the day, i went to the kitchen and made me a, guess what.... Sandwich!



Duderino's Evening Dinner Sandwich

  • Fresh Bread with
  • Salad,
  • Cheese,
  • Mackerel,
  • Spring Onions and Radishes.

Voilà, Voilà and another Bliss was born...
Thanks KittyPedia. I kinda knew you knew i needed that.

...Now carry on, nothing to see here!




All content is my own intellectual "property",
otherwise you'll see a source indicated !
Most pictures i twist with Gimp                  
Now - Groove On Please! #justSaying
Beneficiaries of this entire Post "Reward" are- @combination - @hive-100059 -
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