Wessenden Valley and other beautiful places 😍

Hi Hive!


Trip time today 🥰🥰🥰
So recently me and @only1al started our adventure at Butterly Reservoir then we went to Blakely Res, then through Wessenden moor and then Blackmoor Res! It was such a beautiful trip! Honestly, so peaceful and so so nice. One of my favourite places so far, mostly because there was no many people and we just wondered on our own for a bit 🥰


We planned on going around the water and going back home, however our plans changed a bit.
We barely started our journey and I already got irritated.
Basically, there was an empty can thrown into a little stream. I swear, nothing makes me as angry as humans.
Their fucking ignorance and lack of care.
Why the fuck would anyone throw a can into the nature. Absolutely outrageous.




Anyway, so I got my arse down to that stream yo get the can out, because I could not walk past that and I decided I want to follow the stream because it looked amazing and I just wanted to see where this is gonna take us.
Aaron was happy regardless 😂
It was the best decision ever.
Not only it was absolutely wild and overgrown, it also looked like a little pixie land.
We had to do some climbing and stuff but it was super worth it.
I didn't even care that my fibro will be screaming the next day, it's okay I can take it 😂


Also that's what I call will to live.

And I do belive in a higher power, maybe not exactly a God but I was destined to go that path ok?
Because on the way down we found....


Horned sheep skull.
His name is Ronnie.
He is a good dude.
He went home with us.
Of course.


So it was totally meant to be, I gave him a new life and new home.
I will do a post about Ronnie one day for you about how to cure and clean a skull ❤️

Anyway, after this little off road adventure we decided to walk up the hill and enjoy done views.
It's needed for the soul.
It's the peace I need once in a while.
I am a very happy person when I'm out there and the wind is messing my hair.





The walk was waaaaay longer than I was expecting and I was half dead and starving after it but I got to use Ronnie to be my prop for a photo.
Aka how I made West Yorkshire look like Texas 😂

Aaron is the best human I ever met, he always encourages me to go for a walk, push myself a bit more.
It's so needed to have a human like that in your life.
Plus he loves walking himself so that just makes him the best companion ever.
If the weather allows, maybe I can drag him out this Sunday as well hahah this time I will choose an adventure.




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