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24 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Anxiety Right Now!

Do you feel anxious? Well, here is 24 Ways to Keep That Anxiety in Check

1. Live in the present. Find life in the moment.

2. Don’t put stimulants like caffeine or nicotine into your body. i.e no coffee or cigarettes.

3. Keep an open mind by watching a philosophy video, or one that challenges your thinking.

4. Maintain your testosterone levels by lifting weights and doing sports.

5. If social anxiety weighs on you, then Phenibut is a cheap solution.

6. Regularly test and face your fears by doing it anyway.

7. Manage your hormones, make sure they are balanced (Men, keep testosterone levels up!).

8. Take some time in nature to de-stress and find calm in the chaos of life.

9. If you are anxious about something, focus on something else to forget it.

10. Take a moment to laugh at yourself and what you are anxious about.

11. Burn or rub on essential oils to create calmness at home.

12. Explore the reasons behind your anxiety.

13. Get it all out on paper, brain dump everything to see things more clearly.

14. Find something to do when overthinking becomes an issue.

15. Have a brain massage by watching ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) videos.

16. Try to live life with no regrets. ‘What ifs’ are painful.

17. Take cold showers, work up to 4 minutes and learn to control your breathing.

18. Use a punching bag to beat out that stress and angst.

19. It is good to reset your neurotransmitters. You can use L-Theanine for this.

20. Fish oils are a good way to increase serotonin levels.

21. Forget pillow talk! Pillow scream - yell into your pillow to release pent up frustration, stress or anger.

22. It’s good to talk, post details of your problem on a forum to get other’s opinions.

23. Nothing beats a Thai massage.

24. Don’t watch or listen to the news, it’s propaganda anyway.

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