Lithium Orotate and How it Might Help You

The health benefits of the mineral lithium orotate are many. Lithium Orotate is an over-the-counter mineral that comes in capsule form and can, literally, change your mental and physical health for the the better.

I take lithium orotate daily. It is not a prescription drug. It’s something you buy over-the-counter, it is part of my health protocol and it has been integral restoring my mood and making me feel better on many levels.

Lithium is an important trace mineral and is naturally found in foods like vegetables and grains. As many of us know, the American food supply has been toxified and voided of important nutrients that keep us healthy. It’s difficult for someone even like me who eats an all-organic plant-based diet to get important vitamins and minerals that keep me feeling balanced and healthy both physically and emotionally.

As I researched ways to cure myself of severe PMS, otherwise known as PMDD, (a condition for which many women are prescribed Prozac and the likes), and over-weightedness I came upon lithium orotate. I had always associated lithium with a hard-core prescribed psych med, but that is not what this is.

What lithium orotate is is an important and necessary trace mineral that our bodies need to thrive, and without it or without enough of it, many people like me experience depression.

What I have learned about lithium orotate is that you must discover the correct dosage amount for you. Know and listen to your body. I started with a 15mg dosage, taking three 5mg capsules on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. I did this for a few days and really didn’t notice a significant change in how I felt. I then doubled the dosage, and that did the trick. I felt amazing. As the years have progressed, I now take 20mg every other day. That is what works for me at this time.

Always “be your own guinea pig” and know your body and that is how you will know what works for you.

For more detailed information on lithium orotate I recommend the e-book “Veteran Suicide Breakthrough: Revealing the Breakthrough Mineral for Suicide Prevention, PTSD and Depression ‘They Definitely don’t Want You to Know About” by Dr. Mark Millar

You can find lithium orotate at some health food stores and online at Vitacost and Vitamin Shoppe.

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