Blue Kyanite: A Means to Better Self Expression in Both Speaking and Writing

I grew up in a “children should be seen and not heard” environment. Not good. As a result I’ve been fairly shy most of my life, fearing judgement for what I say or do. I was also plagued with sore throats as a child and into early adulthood. When I began studying the chakra system, I quickly learned that those sore throats were a result of my throat chakra being blocked. Energy was blocked there because I was afraid to speak up or speak my truth in fear that I would be humiliated or criticized. That blocked energy manifested itself as a fear of speaking my truth as well as sore throats. I urge you or anyone you know, especially children, who has recurring sore throats to think about whether or not you are they are afraid to speak up or speak their truth because those feelings may be blocking the throat chakra and causing sore throats. Once the throat chakra is cleared, it’s amazing how the sore throats and fear of speaking go away. How do you clear your throat chakra?

Well, here is where the beautiful mineral blue kyanite enters. Kyanite is the color of our throat chakra, blue. Minerals and gems that coincide with the colors of our chakras contain a very real and pure measurable energy force that works to heal and clear energy blockages in specific chakras. After researching several minerals and gems, I decided to buy a piece of blue kyanite to hold when I meditate, to keep on my nightstand when I sleep, and to sometimes carry with me depending on the situation in which I find myself in order to feel comfortable speaking.

Wanting to heal and clear my throat chakra, I started holding the kyanite in my hands and on my throat during my daily meditation. I also envisioned a brilliant sky blue lotus flower opening in my throat during part of my meditation. Finally, I made a point to repeat the phrase, “I speak and write my truth with dignity” several times throughout my meditation. (Your throat chakra also relates to writing).

I also keep the blue kyanite on my nightstand so that it is always there sending me healing vibrations every night, and I carry it with me if I know I’m going to be around aggressive or loud people who might cause me to feel uncomfortable speaking in their presence. If you are a public speaker, you might find it helpful to hold blue kyanite against your throat for a couple minutes as a means to clear stagnant energy before you go on stage. This practice may very well help you to give easy-flowing meaningful speeches or talks.

Have I had success with kyanite? Yes, most definitely. I had myself doused about six months ago (dousing is a process in which you find out which of your chakras are open, semi-open or closed) and my throat chakra was wide open, causing the pendulum to swing in wide circles in that area. I predicted that would be the case because I have felt a difference in how I communicate. Specifically, I have no problem saying “no” when I need to, whereas before I was the stereotypical “yes” person, over-extending myself. I’m also feeling the freedom that comes with not feeling obligated to constantly explain myself. I used to feel guilty about saying “no.” So, I would compensate by explaining why I said “no.” Now, a typical response might be, “No. I don’t have the time to volunteer at the school breakfast.” That’s it. No further explanation needed.

My success with kyanite was a three-step process that I find works well with almost all outcomes that you intend to manifest: First, set your intention. My intention was to free myself from not feeling comfortable speaking my truth. Next, be receptive and pay attention when guidance comes. My guidance came in the form of an article about gems and minerals that was delivered directly to my inbox which inspired me to learn more about kyanite. Then, put into action what you learn. So, the healing that I have received from kyanite was a combination of my intent, learning about and utilizing the vital energy given off by kyanite, and then putting into action what I felt and learned.

You can easily find blue kyanite at gem and mineral shows and on-line. It is fairly inexpensive. The piece in my picture cost about $12.00. You can also find lovely pendants made of it if you would like to wear it.

If you’re not feeling comfortable speaking or having trouble writing consider getting yourself a piece of blue kyanite. Give your attention to the kyanite and think about why you have it. Utilize the steps I outlined above. You just may be surprised at the results.
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As alway my writing is my own based on personal experience and research, and the picture was taken in my home of the kyanite I bought at The Tucson Gem and Mineral Show.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

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