Vegan propaganda!!

In all the reading I've done in the past few days I've come to realize that Monsanto & Big Pharma are leading the vegetarian & vegan movements. Of all these so called studies saying that "meat is bad" they never distinguish between processed and unprocessed meats. They never show any studies on those who don't eat vegetables or fruits at all. They just love pushing out there to the public videos of animals being harmed to play on the heart strings of people. I'm totally against animal cruelty but I'm not falling for this nonsense.


They never bring up the fact that no society has ever survived on a vegan diet while several have thrived on an all animal diet.

I've also realized how often people are spreading around all of their disinformation on the topic. We really need to be careful and start looking deeper into these things before we share the information which is being put out there in order to turn people off of meat and onto these plant based diets. I am one and there are so many more that are even being deceived to believe that eating a plant based diet is healthier than a meat based diet.

Here's a video that I found very interesting and educational and inspirational as well on the topic of eating meat in my research.

Want to Go Vegan / Vegetarian Watch This First - Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride 2017

The current book I'm reading and highly recommend to anyone, meat eater not:

Defending Beef: The Case for Sustainable Meat Production by Nicolette Hahn Niman.

In which it said that anti beef propaganda has been going on for over a decade.

I believe world wide we have an increasing number and are up around 70-75% of the population consuming a plant based diet yet the population is however getting sicker and sicker. I believe we need to be going in the other direction with this and properly raising and eating primarily a meat based diet like all of our ancestors use to do. I believe if we want to turn this health crisis around this is a clear path to secure a healthy future. A growing body of research shows that livestock grazing can even enhance biodiversity to a surprising degree. The unexpected results that land and particularly species populations are further degraded without cattle should no longer surprise anyone. The results of rotational grazing using a cover crops are astronomical for soil regeneration and like I've been saying for quite some time now healthy soil = healthy life. We need more soil farmers!

You know one thing that just confuses the heck out of me is how so many of these militant vegans out there these days can disagree with the mistreatment of animals but be ok with destroying all of their native land and using agricultural practices like monocultures. They are starving animals and killing off entire species.

So here we have it so far this is day 3 of transition at very low carbs and I'm down three pounds. I had the greatest workout I've ever had today. My cortisol levels are way down - I'm less stressed, not angry and calmer then I've been in months. I finished up the last little bit of the vegetables I had in the refrigerator and I'm excited to be going down this path with no more fruits or vegetables. I don't know exactly how the holidays will go but no more fruits and vegetables for sure after the 1st of the year. I'm giving my body what it's asking for. Natural animal protein that is. Why would nature not draw us to eat the superior food source for our bodies? I believe that's exactly what we need to do is listen to nature. Eat meat and drink water. No carbohydrates (non essentials). We really should allow our own bodies to supply the glucose we need shouldn't we? What is more natural than that?

Ask yourself this, how is it not healthy to consume (meat) what our bodies effectively and efficiently use within it instead of eating something (plant material) that rots and produces an enormous waste product?

Now repeat after me, "there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate" LOL!

Here's the scientific proof

If you're tired of not reaching optimal health, or you're looking to try and maximize your health, or you'd like to try something new just to see how you'd feel then just stop eating fruits and vegetables for a while and eat lots beef with me. Why don't you join me on the 1st of January?
Personally find out for yourself if this is a great WOE for you.

If you know anyone that may be interested please share this blog with them. If you don't mind would you please up-vote and re-steem this for me. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Have a wonderful day.

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