Looking back on my Red Bull addiction

So for many years, at least 3, I have been drinking nearly 2 of the blue Red Bull a day. Since there's gonna be some questions about my health after reading that, I'm only a bit over weight everything else is good. But the hard truth about what I've consumed is staggering.

In just 1 year the amount of sugar I've consumed was a whopping 27,740 grams, or nearly 7,000 pounds. Also costing me almost $2,000 a year. Just looking into this scares the living hell out of me. Even more so when i look at how long I've been drinking them. And worse when I've had 5 in one day. 

But now I can say I quit cold turkey and haven't had one in a week. I hope people reading this that also drink energy drinks can take a moment to look back on their habits and realize how bad it really it.

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