Will classes in the gym gain weight?

Many people who are faced with the problem of excess weight, it seems my problem is not serious, but I have been worrying about it for almost three years. It so happened that after nervous stress, I began to lose weight rapidly, clothes began to hang out on me, like on a hanger. Girlfriends reassured that this is solved very simply, you need to eat more calories, baked goods, sweets and everything will return to normal. They had other problems, how to lose weight, and they thought it was much more difficult. At first I thought so, too, that here, I'll start eating more, and gain my weight, but that's not it, the weight arrow seemed to be stuck at 40 kilograms, with my height 1.64 cm.

That only I have not tried in this time. I ate all the floury, fatty, different pies and cakes, semolina porridge, which I can not digest from the kindergarten, but what you will not do in order to achieve the result. I always and everywhere ate, even when I was not hungry, a friend who is afraid to eat even caramel to not get fat anymore, for some time I even envied, although she sympathized, because she understood that for me such a weight problem. But neither fast food, nor food at night, nothing helped. I went to the polyclinic, the doctor said that first you need to get out of a state of stress that depresses the digestive process and abandons fast food so as not to harm your health. I recommended evening walks and sports, so that the body came back to normal. Mom said that this way I will lose weight even more, as I will burn all the calories.

The employee told about her daughter, who was also thin, but not from stress, but just such a physique in her. I began to play sports, and became more feminine and athletic, and that I need to go to the gym, and there will already pick up exercises to build muscle and I will be able to gain a little weight. Caloric food did not help, there is no time to go to the gym. I found information on the Internet about what exercises to do, and I'll try at home, I suddenly get it. I would never have believed before that it's harder to recover than lose weight. Maybe someone who had the same problem, I would like to know how you solved it.

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