Stop Reusing Deep Fry Oil in Your Kitchen


If oil used once the level of trans fat will go high, So stop reusing it. Trans fats are the most dangerous type of fats which can cause to grow cancel related shells in your body.

Around the world only 23% of the individuals pay attention to their diet and what they are consuming is on everyday basis.

What happens when you reuse the Deep fry Oil

  1. The problem of reusing the oil is it can create free radicals later it will cause to produce ailments in the long run. Free radicals will attach to healthy shells which can cause to many diseases. And also free radicals can be carcinogenic that is, it can cause to cancer.

  2. Free radicals can increase the level of bad cholesterol which will block the free blood flow in the veins. Some other health risks of reusing deep fry oil include obesity problem, irritation in the throat, Alzheimer's and Heart disease etc.

  3. Mustard and Olive oil are considered good for health. But do not use Olive oil for frying.


So don not reuse over deep fry oil ever. But you can use oil the which is not deep friend more than once.

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