Lose Belly Fat Fast With This Drink

I always put on 1 to 2 kilos everytime I came back from a holiday. The last time I went, I put on 2 kilos. Putting on the kilos is easy and often, I don't realise it. But trying to lose the kilos is really tough. I usually go on a 3 day soup diet and it is really tough, so this time I did not want to endure the suffering.

So, I went in search of the easiest way to lose the 2 kilos. The internet is full of promises like losing 7 kilos in a week but I am not dumb to believe that. Anyway, I found this drink recipe that is pretty easy to prepare & the ingredients are all in my fridge.


  • 1 whole lemon
  • half a cucumber
  • 1 granny smith apple (optional but if you include this, it taste better)

  1. Chop them up into small pieces. The secret is in the lemon's skin. Don't remove the lemon's skin and the cucumber skin too. Wash them up before you chop them.

  2. Blend them together in a bullet blender. Don't forget to add some water.

  3. This is what it looks like.

  4. Pour it into a glass or a mug like me and enjoy. Here's what is left after I gobbled most of it. I don't really enjoy it but I am looking forward to the benefits that it gives me.

There is some wonderful side effect too. After drinking this for 3 nights in a row, I could feel that my face is more supple. I feel more alert too. I need not take my daily dose of vitamin C, Co-Q10 & fish oil.

And I did lose about 1 kilo after 1 week which is really good for me.

However, I did control my carbohydrate intake as well.

So all in all, this drink live up to its expectation. I particularly like the side effect.

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