How to avoid the rebound.

Are you someone that is currently struggling to lose weight? Carrying those extra pounds could be annoying and frustrating, especially if your doing everything you can to lose a few pounds. I hear different stories about this all the time. People spending countless hours in the gym or going for a run outside, only to see little to no results. This is something I call the rebound effect.

When someone doesn't see results after a month or so of trying to lose weight, in most cases they just give up or postpone it for another time. You see in most cases it's just not our fault. On a daily basis we are exposed to huge factors that make it quite the challenge to losing weight. We're exposed to pollution, processed food, stress, etc. This all causes a build up of toxins in our bodies. Can we avoid all of this? If you live in the concrete jungle, unfortunately the answer is no. But you can fight it.

They say that ( You are what you eat), my way of putting it is ( You are what you're exposed too). The human body is like a sponge, it absorbs practically anything, just think of a scenario where you're in a room with a person that brings negative energy, I'm sure you've felt it right away. Toxins are no different, the only difference is they tend to infiltrate our bodies without us even noticing. These toxins make it almost impossible for a person to lose weight.

So what are toxins?

Toxins are microorganisms that get absorbed by the body tissue, they are capable of causing disease and various problems, usually minor but if ignored it could become quite a problem. Now how do they interfere with weight loss? I'll explain as simple as I can. We all know that the human body is designed to protect you, especially to protect it's vital organs in order for it to function properly. An accumulation of toxins makes the body perform poorly, therefore if not eliminated it will do everything it can to protect you from these harmful toxins. But it cannot eliminate these toxins on it's own, not without help which I will talk about further down. So in order to protect you, the body will store these toxins by creating a layer of fat near the skin tissue. This build up most commonly happens around your gut, which we all know as "belly fat". So if you ever you tried to lose weight by different means only to go back to square one, believe it or not folks it usually means that your body is trying to protect you of something harmful.

However, toxins does not only affect weight loss, you can be a slim person and still be affected by it. A few ways you can tell: You get sick often, chronic fatigue, bad breath, constipation, muscle aches and pains, unusual skin reactions, etc. All these symptoms indicates that your body needs a well needed detox. So in order to get rid of these problems, eliminate the root of the problem.

Now when most people hear the word detox or cleanse, they usually think: Oh, I have to go on diet or I have to drink lemon water with cayenne powder. These 2 options have given people great results don't get me wrong. But remember, we want to fully eliminate toxins from the body here. This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to fast on a daily basis, the last thing you want is to do is deprive your body of nutrition. Your body simply needs a proper set of nutrients for it to have a fighting chance in a world where the air you breathe to the water we drink could be bad for you. That's the good news folks, your body can do the work for you, it's designed to do that too. But it needs your help. Let's face it, we do not live in a perfect world but that does not mean that we have to submit to it. There are solutions!

Now folks, I am by no means a nutritional expert or doctor. But I surround myself by people that have the knowledge and I'm part of a nutritional program that has helped millions of people completely change their lives. Their mission is to help individuals like you or me to live a healthy lifestyle, to truly get results that they've been looking for for so long. Get rid of those toxins, then all those hours of dedication will finally pay off and the rebound will NOT come back to haunt you. Let me finish by saying, the decision to start living a healthy lifestyle can only be made by you and you alone. Nobody will do it for you!

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog fellow steemers, I wish you all the best and hope we can can connect soon. Take care!

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