How to Yoga - Sun Salutation A

Good day, Steemians!

It's not what we do once in awhile that shapes our lives. It's what we do consistently. -- Tony Robbins

Sometimes I'm hugely inspired
and passionate and fiery,
and sometimes I feel like I'm just going through the motions.
When I feel flat, it's a great time to check my head
and realign with my goals.
If I've been dull for an extended period of time,
that's a pretty good indicator to me that I
need to manifest some new dreams.
Dreams are hugely motivational,
especially when I consider my past successes,
and it gives me a framework to work towards
each and every single day.
It's time for my new dreams, and I have a clear vision:
I'm going to offer yoga on the beach
as part of a retreat where my people provide
art, high vibe cuisine, enlightened exposure,
Reiki and massage.
We'll have a hostel/healing center for people from
all over the world to activate ultimate wellness,
and we'll trade in cryptocurrency.
This one will be glorious, and
I look forward to its unfolding!
Here is a gift of more yoga, in hopes of inspiring you
towards your brightest, happiest, healthiest self! 

This is a Sun Salutation A

AKA Surya Namaskar in Sanskrit

(surya = sun, namaskar = saultation/greeting)

This series opens practically every asana practice.

Each movement in this series is linked
to an inhalation or exhalation.
The breath guides the practice,
thus the appropriate pace is aligned with
the rhythm of your breath, not some teacher in a class.

Each pose opens and activates a different chakra.
The sun salutation series activates the entire body
and all of its energy centers.
From root to crown, you will be opened and ready
to go on about your practice or your day.

This is hugely energizing! If you're feeling low,
go through a few sun salutations and connect to your breath,
and you'll get that good sweet prana flowing
all through your channels. 

In a traditional ashtanga practice,
sun salutation A is followed by sun salutation B,
then standing poses,
seated poses/arm balances, heart openers and inversions,
then finishing poses.
A consistent practice with this framework
hits all the major spots within body, mind, and soul
for supreme health. 

Starting each day with 1-5 sun salutations can
totally change your life!


  • Start in mountain. Inhale.
  • Exhale forward fold.
  • Inhale look forward.
  • Exhale step, jump, or walk back to plank.
  • Inhale in plank.
  • Exhale lower for chaturanga.
  • Inhale to up dog/cobra.
  • Exhale to down dog.
  • Hold down dog for 3-5 breaths.
  • Inhale look between the hands.
  • Exhale step or jump forward to forward fold.
  • Inhale look forward.
  • Exhale forward fold.
  • Inhale and rise up for mountain.

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out.

💛 Sara!
P.S. We offer hand painted Steemit gear through @steemrollin's honorable Peerhub Marketplace.

This is my little spot to record gratitude:
Thank you to this glorious sunshine gracing the @gardenofeden today. Thanks for all the vitamin D!! Thank you @everlove for your presence, and thank you @quinneaker for constant inspiration and focus. Thank you @steemit for letting me play here! 

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