How to Yoga - Backbend

Good day, Steemians!

 Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. -- Morpheus, from The Matrix

There's a lot more to this Steemit game than meets the eye,
and I'm hooked--
but I don't know all the rules.
It's time to seriously level up, and I have soooo much to learn!
Can somebody point me towards the manual, please??
Like...what do the witnesses have to do with APR?
And I'm told that you'll be able to cash out your Steem Power in 13 weeks here in a minute...
so does that mean a bunch of you will be bouncing?
What's that going to mean for those of us who are invested long term?
And my mind is totally blown by this Viva Coin that @williambanks created,
and @tatianamoroz has her own coin--
like what the serious fuck is going on????
We can just make our own money?!
Cryptocurrency is so exciting and I have no idea what's happening!!!
Please teach me the ways, oh great crypto wizards!!
I'm so so new to all of this and I MUST KNOW MORE!!!
I'm ready for ALL the red pills!
I'm supposed to do everything I can to bring down the global military industrial complex,
to blaze a revolution, to show that a better way exists,
and I can see that this is the way--but I know virtually nothing.
I know yoga and plants and Reiki and deeksha--
I deal in healing. Please take my wisdom, and with all the good it makes you feel,
please tell me more about the magical world of cryptocurrency.

This is Backbend

AKA Wheel Pose

AKA Upward Bow Pose

AKA Urdhva Dhanurasana in Sanskrit 

(urdhva = upward, dhanu = bow, asana = posture/pose) 

AKA Chakrasana in Sanskrit 

(chakra = wheel, asana = pose/posture) 

Backbend encourages an energetic shift.

This was one of the first poses I addressed in my How to Yoga posts,
but one of the awesome things about yoga is that it's never the same practice twice.
Even if you are doing ashtanga's primary series every single day
(which is the exact same routine of the exact same poses every time),
you get something new each and every brand new day,
and it's always exactly what you need at the time.

So here, I return to backbend,
and if you've been following along with me
maybe you can already see and feel the evolution in your pose.

Backbend opens the chest, expands the lungs,
regulates blood pressures, and improves circulation.
It increases energy and flexibility and alleviates depression.
It strengthens the arms, wrists, core, and spine
and stimulates the thyroid and pituitary. 

But wait--there's always more with yoga!!
Backbend is a serious heart opener,
just like Wild Thing which I presented a few days ago.
Heart openers are incredible for developing love, joy, and compassion,
and for overcoming fear, hate, jealousy, and grief.

It sounds nuts that you can move your body in particular ways
to deal with and overcome spiritual and mental troubles,
but you don't have to take my word for it--
just wiggle around and contort yourself and see
if you notice a difference in your psyche.

Love is the ultimate healer,
and the heart chakra (in Sanskrit, anahata = unstuck)
shines and amplifies this incredible force.
Heart opening poses like backbend stimulate the heart chakra,
encouraging universal connection and eliminating
feelings of distrust, unworthiness, co-dependency, and manipulation.

Follow your heart is solid advice.


  • From laying on the back, bend your knees and draw your feet towards the sit bones, soles on the floor. 
  • Place palms of hands next to ears, fingers pointed towards feet.
  • Inhale and press the hands and feet into the floor, lift the pelvis, and roll up.
  • Engage the thighs to keep the knees at hip distance.
  • Pull the elbows in towards the body.
  • Lift the hips; lift the chest.
  • Lift the chest.
  • Lift the chest.
  • Are you lifting your chest?
  • Alternatively, you could come into Wild Thing and drop the extended hand to the mat.

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out.

💛 Sara!

And now I shall give thanks because it makes me feel good:

  • thank god, thank god, thank god for @quinneaker!!
  • thank god, thank god, thank god for @everlove!!
  • thank god, thank god, thank god for @gardenofeden and all the Eden Knights who encourage and inspire me to be my best, just by being themselves
  • thank god a bunch more times for @steemit! Hooray for you brilliant minds who have created such a brilliant game for all of us!! Thanks @ned and @dantheman 
  • thank god for cryptocurrency - it is our new hope! 

This is what I'm listening to this morning - it's kinda Pink Floyd-y. Great edit on this video by a talented dude I used to know, and great song by a super weird yet super talented band. Ween - Did You See Me

Thanks for the music tips yesterday @ace108 and @onceuponatime - I loved them.

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