How to Yoga - Head to Knee Pose

Good day, Steemians!

Let the lover of your soul restore it. -- Psalm 23:5

I lose my way...and not infrequently.
Yoga teaches me to come back and try again.
It shows me another approach to frustration and confusion,
rather than my automatic "bull in a china shop" reaction.
Yoga is always available, always reliable, and it shows me
how easy it can be to return,
so I choose it again and again and again.
I don't practice yoga because I read about it in a book;
I practice because for me it's undeniable truth that
yoga makes everything better.
I hope that by sharing my experience, you are inspired
to triumph along your path.

This is Head to Knee Pose

AKA Janu Sirsasana in Sanskrit

(janu = knee, sirsa = head, asana = pose/posture)

Forward folds encourage introspection.

If you sit in front of a computer for hours a day,
likely your shoulders are rounded and your back is tight.
Forward folds are excellent for releasing that tension.

This is a calm, restorative pose that relieves stress,
lengthens the back of the legs, decompresses the spine,
and feels super delicious.

You can go as deeply as you like physically,
but one of the most beautiful aspects of forward folds
is how they turn in on themselves
and encourage looking within.
Forward folds encourage release.

You can take yoga as a strictly physical practice
if that's all you need, but if you're already there
you might as well see what comes up mentally/emotionally/spiritually.
There's no right or wrong way to do it,
and with a continued practice you find that each day is unique,
and even familiar poses can take you to new dimensions.


  • From seated with legs extended (staff pose), draw the sole of the right foot to the inside of the left thigh.
  • Straight leg is fully engaged with foot flexed. 
  • Inhale and lift up through the crown of the head while rooting through the sit bones. Roll the shoulders back.
  • Exhale and fold forward. Reach for the foot, allowing the hands to be wherever feels appropriate for today whether that is the thigh, the shin, the ankle, or around the foot.
  • When you're ready, switch sides and repeat.

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out.

💛  Sara!
>:<>:< Giving thanks for another chance to succeed >:<>:<

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