Health freedom is your most valuable asset

You'd have to be living under a rock not to notice that our right to health is being infringed upon.

Every other commercial on TV is for some new pharmaceutical shit. Ninety percent of what you find in the average grocery store is laced with toxins. If you do find yourself drawn to holistic health, I hope you have thousands of dollars to spare, because insurance won't cover a penny. Atrazine, fluoride, antibiotics, chlorine, etc is in your water. Toxins are being sprayed into the air and onto the food... You get the point.

Here's the thing:

If you are not 100% sure you are healthy, confident that you will not contract a disease, and well-versed in how to ensure all of this yourself, you are not free.


So do you currently have health freedom?

Answer the following TRUE or FALSE statements:

  • I do not rely on any prescription or over-the-counter drugs
  • I am confident that I will never be a diagnosis
  • Anything that I need for my health (outside critical emergency care), I can carry out myself
  • I can listen to AND interpret my body's signals and symptoms with confidence
  • I do not get sick, and any minor symptoms that begin to show up, I can resolve
  • I am not currently tolerating any ailments or symptoms (even "small" ones)

If you answered FALSE, to any of the above, you're not fully experiencing health freedom.

Read between the lines on this one: Health freedom is more important now in the world we live in than ever before.

This is not meant to incite fear - it's meant to empower you. You are your body's guru, but not many of us have been taught how to do this.

This isn't a push for alternative health. In fact, alternative health still focuses on ailments, diagnoses, and symptoms. And it's still focused on modalities (chiropractic, homeopathy, chinese medicine, etc), which only fragments the body system further. Alternative health modalities can be great, if you are using them from a place of health, as a way to "take yourself to the next level" in vitality.

However, the best foundation for your health is to understand your body as a system. It's only then that you can experience health freedom.

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