Tips for Blemish Free Glowing Skin


Today's world is hectic and cluttered. One doesn't find time for themselves and more importantly they don't worship the temple they live in i.e. their body. Everyone is looking for temporary solutions to look good but what if, I were to tell you the secret to get that blemish free glowing skin.

Interested? Read the below points and I gurarantee a glowing you within a span of 2-4 weeks.

  1. Drink alot of water - Standard recommendation is 8 glasses of water a day but I keep a glass of water or a bottle near you and make it a habbit of finishing and refill it. Drinking will eliminate the toxins of your body and result in rujuvenation of dull cells.

  2. Add Greens - Eating a lot of greens will definitely help. Unlike meat, your daily greens won't make you feel bloated. They digest easily and provides a lot of anti-oxidents for your body. In turn, working like small packs of steroids for your skin.

  3. Smile - Even when you are alone try and remember something funny. Smiling is one of the best medication in the world. Smiling cheats the mind into believing that you are actually happy and with that release of endorphins will give you a boost to the way you look.

  4. Sleep Properly - Your body needs to repair itself from everything thrown at it during the day Pollution, stress, wear and tear, injuries etc. A 7-8 hour sleep is enough for an average adult. Make sure you get yours.

  5. Body Heat - Have you ever noticed that you sweat too much or you like chilly food. Why would that be, your body heat can tell alot about it. Make sure that you average it out by eating right.

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