40 Tips to stay Happy and Healthy


Follow these simple 40 points and I guarantee a peace of mind and a healthy soul that will enable you to be that alpha you always wanted to be. A great personality starts from within, here are 40 points to get healthy and happy.

40 tips to stay Happy & Healthy

  1. Drink Lots of Water:
  2. Be Happy:
  3. Sleep 8 Hours
  4. Cardio is the way
  5. Say No to Aerated/Fizzy drinks
  6. Go Green, eat veggies
  7. Read about health
  8. Brush your teeth properly
  9. Green Tea
  10. Use stairs whereever possible
  11. Cut out Bread
  12. Eat Fish/fish oil
  13. Drink Red Wine
  14. Get a Health App
  15. Go out in the sun
  16. Join a fitness program
  17. Cut on Sugar and Sweets
  18. Eat a balanced diet
  19. Regular Medical Checkup
  20. Laugh.... Seriously Laugh
  21. Eat Nuts
  22. Start YOGA
  23. Reduce Salt intake
  24. Say Yes to Broccoli
  25. Take time out for yourself
  26. Develop a reading habbit
  27. Listen to your favourite Music
  28. Start walking
  29. Quit Smoking
  30. Start Meditating
  31. Cut portion sizes
  32. Wash your hands
  33. Moisturise
  34. Weight lifting
  35. Drink less alchohol
  36. Increase garlic intake
  37. Plan your meals
  38. Eat More Fiber
  39. Wear sunscreen
  40. Stretch
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