Do not eat any of the 13 meals that are hot again

We usually keep the food for next day to save time after cooking at home. The next day again again the food again heats up.
But re-heating the food is very harmful, because of which our health risks are greatly increased. But we have some food that is getting hot again every day. Keep in mind today about 8 foods that will not heal again. Because they become poisonous for the second time they are heated.

  1. chicken meat
    Many people cook chicken meat once in a while to save time but chicken meat should not be heated again and again. Because chicken meat has plenty of protein. It can become indigestible after changing the composition of the protein by heating it after cooking.

  2. Tea
    It is known to many of us that once made of tea it should not be warmed again after it cools down. Because tea contains tannic acid.
    If the tea made from the heating of the teas can damage the liver.

  3. Rice
    Basilos made of serious bacteria during the cooking of rice. If the cooked rice is heated again, this bacterial number can be doubled and diarrhea.

  4. Potatoes
    At the time of cooking or after cooking the potato, a bacteria called botulisma are made. These bacteria can grow up to food poisoning by heating it again.

  5. Eggs
    Eggs contain more protein and antioxidants. If you heat it after cooking, it will create toxins from the egg, which may create fear of indigestion.

  6. Burnt oil or food oil
    Many of us leave the remaining oil after cooking the food but for the next meal, but once we have noticed how harmful it is to our body. If you burn hot oil in a cook, then it increases the risk of getting cancer.

  7. Palanpur
    Pulp spinach should not be warmed again after cooking. There is an extra amount of nitrates in Palang sha. Cooking spinach can warm up again and eat more harmful toxins of the body.

  8. Mushrooms
    Generally, mushroom fiber and enzymes help digestion. It helps in increasing the work of beneficial bacteria in the gut and helps to increase the absorption of nutrients of colon. And so the mushroom once roasted after cooking for a second time it is very harmful for our stomach.

  9. The soup
    Soup meat and celery spinach should never be heated again. Because it destroys their nutrition.

  10. Roasted red meat
    Even the roasted red meat is changed for a second time, its chemical structure changes its way in such a way that it can cause disruption in our digestive system.

  11. Celery, spinach, bit
    These three vegetables have a common ingredient - nitrate. Which can be converted to harmful carcinogenic heat after a second heat. Nitrate itself is not harmful at all. But it can be converted to nitrosamins after nitrites first, if it is heated second time. Some of the nitrocomins are known as carcinogens.

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