Do you use mindfulness in your life?

Our days can be very stressful at times, hectic and overwhelming. Everyone needs a way to destress themselves and relax their minds and bodies, even if only for a few minutes. Mindfulness can be one of those ways and is a proven method for better mental health.

I have found mindfulness to be a very valuable tool in my toolbox for my depression and more specifically for my anxiety.

So, what is mindfulness? For those who may not be familiar, mindfulness is the practice of focusing on the present and letting go of thoughts of the past and future. It is being in the moment.

Mindfulness can be very hard to get the hang of in the beginning. Our minds are constantly thinking and it can be hard to shut that down. Even while practicing mindfulness you are not trying to shut down your thoughts, but rather recognizing them as they come and letting them go.

Think of it like standing on the sidewalk of a busy street. Each car is a thought. We can either choose to jump into one of those cars and follow that thought for as long as we want or we can see that car, recognize it but let it pass us by and not get caught up in the thought.

Mindfulness is just being and living in the present moment. I find that guided mindfulness is the best and easiest way for me to practice. If you’re looking for a way to try it out there are 2 apps that I would recommend. The first, which I use most of the time is called Headspace, and the second is called Aware.

Both apps allow you access to the first 10 days of practicing mindfulness and then want you to pay to unlock the rest and access all of the apps features. I find that just repeating the first 10 days is enough for me.

If you do decide to give mindfulness a try, I recommend that while you are breathing, do abdominal breathing instead of breathing through your chest. I find it to be much more calming and calming at a faster rate.

I hope that you give mindfulness a try and incorporate it into your day. Even just 5 or 10 minutes can make a difference. I prefer to do it laying down rather than sitting in a chair but that is just my preference, you can get the same results sitting in a chair.

So do any of you steemians currently practice mindfulness? Do you find that it makes a difference in your day? How?

Enjoy your day and God bless

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