some tips that will make you getting an easier period

some health tips will help make your menses go smoother and manage the period pain along the way too.

  1. Skip these foods

While PMS-ing and during your period, keep away from excessively consuming alcohol and caffeine as they can make cramps feel more painful and intense. Even if you crave salty snacks, skip the chips and namkeen as they will only further your bloated feeling.

  1. Go out

Although you feel even more tired when you're on your period, make it a point to workout. You don't need to do anything intense if you aren't up for it. Simple yoga poses, stretches and brisk walking is good enough too. Exercise keeps your blood circulating properly, which in turn reduces cramping pain.

  1. Hit the hay

The reason you feel so fatigued during your menses is because of the large amount of blood your body loses. So be kind to yourself during that week and give yourself the gift of more sleep. Go to bed earlier than usual, which will keep the afternoon slump away the next day.

  1. Eat right

Even though you'd like to eat the most unhealthy (read: fried, sugary, salty) foods during your period, remember that satisfying your craving is only momentary and will leave you bloated and craving even more later. Instead, opt for the right foods like iron-rich spinach, kale and apples as well as nuts, lentils and dark chocolate which will keep your digestive system on track.

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