Healing Cancer Through Nutrition

My wife's cousin has practiced a system of healing though food and nutrition for many years. A number of years ago, she recovered from a breast tumor without using any conventional treatments - just dietary changes, compresses (made from foods), shiatsu, some stretching exercises and singing a happy song every day. She did have an oncologist monitor her condition, but did not have surgery, chemo or radiation.

Later on, she did volunteer work with AIDS patients. During this time, she met numerous people who recovered their health through dietary change. Around this time, she also became friends with a man who recovered from pancreatic cancer through dietary change. Meanwhile, several close friends died from pancreatic cancer that they were treating with conventional medicine. She also became quite close to a man who recovered from inoperable brain cancer, through dietary change.

Her husband tried to be as supportive as he could through her illness. But he truly believed the nutritional therapy was a bunch of hooey. Until the tumor was completely gone, he believed that one day he would be standing at her grave and explaining to his mother that "she wanted to die with her tits on". Furthermore, he didn't fully understand the importance of the idea that food creates health or disease. Once the tumor was gone, he was ecstatic. "Great! Now that it's over we can go back to eating normal. Let's go to a great restaurant to celebrate! " He cared a lot, but he just didn't understand.

Though many of her experiences fly in the face of conventional thinking, she does stress that a proper diet is not the only factor involved in many of these healings. Simply that it is a very important part of the picture. Some, if not many illnesses may never occur if the proper foods/diet are in place.

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