Best ways to Reduce Stress

It's a new year, we will be facing many new challenges meaning we will be facing many more stressful situations! Be one step ahead of yourself this year and understand the healthy ways of dealing with stress!

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As you may already know, stress can have a negative toll on your body. It causes weight gain, breaking out, hair loss, difficulty sleeping and much much more. Is that something you want in 2018? Get in control of your body now and reduce the stress you are dealing with.

The first most important way to reduce stress is to be in the present moment. Slow down and take a deep breath. Be aware of what is going on around you. Tune into your body. I can imagine there is a lot going on in your life that is always your number one priority, but to be in the moment is important.

One awesome way to become aware of the present moment is meditation. Meditation is a practice that involves deep thoughts and focusing your mind for a certain period of time. If you have an extra 3-5 minutes in your day, download a meditation app to guide you through a short meditation each and every day.

Another awesome way to reduce stress is exercise! Physical activity affects your body in a wonderful way. While exercising, your brain releases endorphins. This is a chemical in your body that works as a natural pain killer and helps you sleep. Getting a good night sleep help reduce your stress levels.

Last but not least, the last tip on reducing your stress that I am sharing with you today is laughter. Doing things that make you happy and laugh is very important for your mind and your body, spend time with your family, watch some funny shows, play with your pets; take the time out of your busy day and do what you love to do. Through laughter, you are reducing the tension built up in your body leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes. Not only does laughter reduce stress but it also boosts your immune system as well!


As a university student, the stress often builds up when I'm not even aware of it, but through these few awesome strategies and tips, I am in control of my body. Fill your day with laughter, exercise, and meditation and stay in control of your stress.

Stay cool!!

  • Emily

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