Do You Eat Bananas ,Then This story is For You.

Bananas are favorites among many though they are not aware entirely of the advantages that can be gained from them, this sweet and exotic fruit surely appeases the taste buds also is known for its mind refreshing ability.

bunch-of-bananas-620x400.jpgThere are very few people who will probably believe that banana is 4th primary food which is eaten across entire world immediately after eating rice, wheat and corn. Banana takes first place when it comes to finding which is the most consumed fruit across entire US that is followed by Apple.

Among the 80 million tons of banana which are produced across entire world there is only 20% of this production which is sent out to export while the rest of this production is used for local use. Banana is the main food item when it comes to India and Sub-Sahara and even among those who follow Islam it is said that this banana is food of Heaven.

Some of the South-east Asian parts make use of the fruit along with its leaves in cooking where banana leaves are used as wraps to cook fish while the fruit which can be cooked is known as plantain and are green in color unlike the ripe one which is usually yellow in color and can be eaten directly.

This fruit can also be used to prepare exotic drinks, smoothies apart from which it can also be used in baking and desserts, the bananas which are used in their ripe form are known as desert bananas. The main vitamins in this fruit include Vitamin A, B complex, B-6 and C apart from which 75% of these bananas are full of water along with other nutrients like potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and fiber.
Enhances Digestion:

Carbohydrates and dietary fiber which is present in bananas are known to control the bowel movements which ultimately help in proper digestion. Banana is known to be good for those who are trying to get away from chronic constipation which is due to the pectin contents. Banana also is known to aid those who lessen stomach ulcers and lessening the possibility of developing gastric cancer. This fruit also is best possible and natural treatment for those suffering from acidity due to the antacid effect it has.
Avoids Smoking:

All those who have tried to quit smoking but were not able to get rid of this habit due to the feeling of sickness, irritation, stress and stomach cramps. For all those who want to really quit smoking should give banana a try due to the presence of potassium and several other important vitamins that are known to give a soothing effect to the brain whenever there is headache or stress which is soothed by nicotine among smokers. Banana is also known to give immediate energy to the body which feels to be gone out by those who are made devoid of smoking and lessening the leg cramps.
Relieves stress:

Banana is known is relieve anyone who is suffering from stress due to the tryptophan contents present in them having a soothing effect on brain, this is the type of amino acid which is known to be neurotransmitter that aids in stabilizing the mood lessening stress on the body.
Enhanced Kidney process:

Antioxidant phelonic present in this fruit is the main substance which is food for the health of kidneys also by lessening any chance of kidney stones from being produced. Banana is also known to keep a check on the calcium which is emitted through urine, banana is also known to lessen any chance of developing cancer among kidneys if the fruit is eaten for 4 to 6 times every week.
Bone strengthening:

For our body to increase absorption of all the nutrients it is necessary that there has to be a prebiotic named fructooligosaccharide which is present in huge quantity among bananas. This prebiotic is also known to help the body in taking in calcium which will increase strength among the bones lessening the possibility that there will be osteoporosis which is developed among several others at much higher ages. Potassium in banana is known to prevent any loss of the calcium in our body.
Reduces blood pressure:

There are several doctors who advise to take this fruit for all those who are trouble with higher blood pressure. Mixture of lesser sodium and higher potassium in this fruit makes it best to prevent any stroke and hypertension.
Great source of energy:

Banana is one such fruit which is advised to be eaten by sportsmen during their games due to its ability of increasing energy levels in the body. The reason for increased energy levels in the body is due to the presence of carbohydrates making them primary choice in breakfast to help them make it throughout the day.
Betterment of vision:

Vision is also said to improve for those who make it a point to eat banana daily lessening the risk of macular degeneration as age increases, people who have consumed 3 times a day have not undergone any degeneration of macular.
Ideal food for dieting:

Anyone suffering with overeating habit can find this fruit lessening this habit due to the 108 calories they have. Obesity can be lessened by Vitamin B6 available in the fruit.
Prevents diarrhea:

Diarrhea results in body weakness since electrolytes have drained out of the body that can be filled up with potassium in bananas.
Get Vitamin B6:

Vitamin B6 has several anti-inflammatory advantages lessening the risk of developing Type II diabetes, obesity and heart problems. Vitamin B6 helps in functioning of lymphoid gland which produces white blood cells and protecting the body from infections along with brain cells and appropriate functioning of nervous system.

It is suggested that nearly 4 bananas have to be eaten every week to provide the body with all necessary nutrients, there are several varieties in bananas like red, green and yellow but at the same time this is a fruit which is both healthy and delicious. Among all the varieties of bananas the one which has black spots on yellow skin is 8 times healthier and increasing the proper functioning of white blood cells when compared to green bananas.

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