Spring run in Yellowknife

So March 25th means it is spring, no matter what the weather outside looks like. Even if it looks like -14C with the windchill in the open makes it feel like -28C.

First, let me share a relive video of my run. This should give you an idea about what the route looks like from overhead. It also shows me getting lost once or twice, but that's ok. I'm not here to brag about my orienteering skills.

I ran around the neighbourhood a bit, then found my way to Hordal, and headed through the trails leading over to Deh Cho Boulevard.
kicking up some snow with my ice shoes

That road is a bit boring to run, as it’s just a road. Nice and even, very little fresh snow. This was a very easy part of the run.


Just about 3km in, I ducked off the road and ran the sled trail on the west side. This added 2 minutes per kilometer to my pace (lol!) but made it MUCH more enjoyable.

that’s me on the left, swinging my arms wildly to pull my feet out of the snow, while a skidoo waits patiently to pass

Ok, maybe 'enjoyable' deserves some explanation.

The scenery is amazing, and the pace isn’t going to be fast anyway, so a very slow, very high-effort run through a boreal forest wonderland. Lots of time to examine anything you pass, and more importantly lots of time to lose your thoughts in whatever catches them at the moment.

as these footprints show, much of the trail was slow today

I was passed (carefully and smiling – thanks, Yellowknifers!) by a couple of sleds, and pulled over this chap who was grooming the trails, to say thanks.

I don’t know if this gentleman is grooming for the City, Territory or perhaps his own amusement

I got out of the trails for a bit near the end of the Boulevard. To my amusement, there was a skidoo messing around. (protip - skidoos are not considered an aircraft)
(@photoworm helped me with the post-processing on this one)

Even though the drivers are all great about sharing the road (thanks, Yellowknifers!), the highway kind of sucked, so as soon as I could, I jumped off to the terminal, and Bristol Avenue, where there is less traffic, moving slower, and prettier junk lying snowbound.
you can just barely make out the Buffalo Airways hangar in the background

As soon as I could, I ducked back in to the trails by the Ward Air Memorial. More forest bliss!

trail conditions behind the Ward Air Monument

To give you an idea of the difference snow makes to running, I ran a nice hard effort through the Bristol Plane Connector segment. My time was 3:27. My best time for this .4k segment is 1:41.

Still a pretty bit of trail, at any speed.

This is followed by a route I haven’t tried myself, with a legit-as-fuck sign declaring it the ‘Xpress way’. If it looks like a trap set by Wile E Coyote to catch Roadrunner, that is purely coincidence, I'm sure.

One day I'll try it…

Instead, I took the boring old stairs up to the Jackfish Lake overlook. Beautiful spot, but you can’t get there without some decent effort.

Jackfish Lake and Power Plant

Further along, I found myself following a curious-looking track. Closer inspection showed me that it was left by a traditional-style snowshoe. Maybe THAT’S how you’re supposed to run these trails…

snowshoes which make prints such as these are legend around here

At this point, my legs were starting to tire, so I called Judi to see if she felt like meeting at the festival grounds. I could turn to run home no problem, but if she didn’t mind picking me up, I could go check out the carvings again.
She wasn’t busy, so as soon as I found my way out of the trails (I was only lost a little bit) I headed down to the site.


Judi was a bit late, due to mechanical issues with her truck.There is a beer tent, but the music was pretty hard to listen to, even outside the tent. A quick stroll inside told me that the cold wasn’t all that bad.


I ran some laps around the sculpture garden instead, to stay warm while waiting. I had my usual flask of rum with me anyway, so it was all for the best.

Thanks for stopping by, and let me know if you want to run with me!

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