Bajai Life Camp 18.04: Day 516

Bajai Life Camp 18.04: Day 516
Sunday November 4, 2018
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
28.25% recovering
178.6 lbs.

I didn't recognize the symptoms of the invader that infiltrated my system. I'm not sure whether was the meal at Silk, the intense exercising, my stew, the weather, or a combination. Maybe my burger was too rare. I'll switch back to medium-well. No one in the house got sick eating my stew, so strike that. Weather is always an iffy call. It could suppress the immune system to a point where an under-cooked burger might be able to smuggle in an invader.

pinky and brain by Isro Briones.jpg

Mom wanted me to take meds, or go to the doctor. She's concerned. She loves me. And that's her reality. It's not mine. I'm not trained in medicine, but my attitude is that the "body is a self regulating organism" (Dr. John Bergman) and it will repair itself and move back to "ease" & growth. It just didn't happen as quickly as I thought it would. It's happening now though.
dr john bergman.png

My sister took my blood pressure and it was high. The stress of the cuff sent me into an episode and to the bathroom, where, (I'll spare you the details), but I also broke out into the proverbial "cold sweat". Next BP measurement was within "normal parameters," much lower. Further, I dropped 4.6 lbs in the last 24 hours, a sure sign of an invader. Even exercise doesn't work that quickly. I haven't eaten much more than pistachios, mango slices, peanut and Irish butter. And a cup of tea.

Here I sit... or lie actually, the troll in the basement. Daylight savings time ended at 02:00 this morning. This is the start of vitamin D3 deficiency season, so I'd best go out and get some.

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