Smudging: How Burning Sage Kills Bacteria In The Air & So Much More

Sometimes we think about how to best reset our homes - however have you at any point considered smudging?

Smudging - the ancient routine of burning sage and different herbs - has clean, microbe killing properties. A recent report titled "Medicinal Smokes," distributed in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, discovered strong confirmation for the advantages of smudging.


Notes the abstract, "All through time, humans have used smoke of medicinal plants to cure illness. To the best of our knowledge, the ethnopharmacological aspects of natural products' smoke for therapy and health care have not been studied. The advantages of smoke based remedies are rapid delivery to the brain, more efficient absorption by the body and lower costs of production."

Using analysis from fifty totally different countries, the analysis team found “inhalation of smoke is usually employed in the treatment of pulmonic and medicine disorders and directed smoke in localized things, like dermatologic and genito-urinary disorders.” However, the key finding was that in those traditions, "ambient smoke is not directed at the body at all but used as an air purifier.”

A subsequent paper was distributed in a similar diary not as much as after a year, and found that "restorative smoke diminishes airborne microorganisms."

By watching the impacts of "burning wood and a mixture of odoriferous and medicinal herbs” on the “aerial bacterial population” in a shut space for a hour, scientists discovered 94 percent of the ethereal microbes were wiped out. As they noted in their discoveries, “The ability of the smoke to purify or disinfect the air and to make the environment cleaner was maintained up to 24h in the closed room.”

Ultimately, the research concluded that in addition to potential health benefits, smudging is a viable, and strong, antiseptic. The final sentence in the study’s abstract states, “We have demonstrated that using medicinal smoke it is possible to completely eliminate diverse plant and human pathogenic bacteria of the air within confined space.”

Extra research is important, however these two examinations are an immense stride forward in indicating logical proof for smudging and other common options.

Thanks to Alternative Media Syndicate for an extraordinary heads-up!

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