Banana everyday keeps the doctor away..

Eating bananas everyday can certainly keep the doctor away. There are tons of benefits that your body can get when you eat bananas.


Before we go any further let me point out that you need to eat the ripest banana on the table because it gives your body the most benefits.

Many athletes eat banana because of its high potassium content which prevent muscle cramps.
Another reason they choose this fruit is the carbohydrates it contains. It gives athletes energy for a strenuous activity. Banana is known to release energy slowly so this means that bananas help sustain a longer workout.

Bananas are high is iron which help in producing red blood cells that helps the body's blood circulation which in turn helps prevent anemia and improves your cardiovascular system.

Bananas are known to help control blood pressure, bowel movement, protect your eyesight
and maintain your bone density by lowering the amount of calcium that go along with your urine.


Bananas have always been known to be good for the stomach being an alkaline fruit. Next time if you experience heartburn or acidity in the stomach, eat banana to deposit alkaline in your stomach in order to neutralize the acid.
Bananas also contains fiber that help you in removing your bowel regularly.

A ripe banana plays an important role in helping your heart against diseases and cancer.
The riper the banana you eat the more anti-cancer nutrients and immune system booster you get.

A study in Japan has proven that a ripe banana with dark spots and patches in them have a higher TNF(Tumor Necrosis Factor) content which fights abnormal tumor cells in the body.

Bananas grow abundantly all around the world especially in tropical locations so take advantage of this power food everyday.


I'd like to share to you this information about the benefits of bananas because some of us take for granted the good things that mother nature has put in front of us.

The next time you are offered to eat banana, don't think twice, eat and be healthy.

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