How To Determine The Sex Of Your Babies Naturally

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Preselecting the sex of your baby naturally is no rocket science. It has to do with the simple biology we all learnt in our various secondary schools.

Without no doubt, both male and female children are created equally by God and none is superior to the other.

It is sad to see couples unhappy in their marriages especially in Africa simply because they are looking for a male child or a female child.

Firstly, we need to take to account that the male sperms carry either X or Y chromosomes, while the female egg carry only the X chromosomes.

The egg carrying the X chromosomes and the sperm carrying the Y chromosomes produce a male child. While the sperm carrying the X chromosomes produce a female child.

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It is actually the man that determines the sex of a baby and not the woman.

The sperm that carries the Y chromosome swims faster but has a shorter lifespan. On the other hand, the sperm carrying the X chromosome is slower but has a longer lifespan.

If you want to give birth to a baby boy , you should have intercourse just before or during your ovulation.

This is because the sperms carrying the Y chromosome move faster to fertilise the egg before the sperm carrying the X chromosome journey there.

However, if intercourse takes place three days or more before ovulation, there is the possibility that the sex result will likely be a baby girl.

This is because all the faster sperms carrying the Y chromosomes with short lifespan would have died before then, thereby leaving the egg for the slower sperms which is the X chromosomes to fertilise the egg.

It is important for a woman to know her ovulation cycle which normally occur when an egg or ovum is released from the ovary and it normally lasts for 12 to 24 hours.

Please note that ovulation usually occur between 12th to 14th day of a woman's 28 days cycle. Though it varies from woman to woman.

Wish you luck in determining the sex of your next baby......
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