Time to contribute ....

When we truly learn the effect meats & all animal products have on the human body - how it stimulates, quickens the body, feeds parasites/fungus, causes calcium loss & slowly breaks down the human organism to a disease state, it’s a lot to take!

It’s almost unbelievable that something the human race has been doing for too long & something we’ve been taught to do as “normal”, & “healthy” can be so detrimental to our health ...

We were never designed to eat animals - if we were, we would enjoy them raw & without seasoning & salt to cover up the true taste...

I don’t claim to know exactly why humans would stray so far from their natural diet of fruits & foods only found in nature, however, I do know that if we do not get back to a plant based diet at the very least, disease & untimely death will continue to be a problem...

Almost Everyone was eating meat not too long ago, but the #’s of people turning away from animal products by the day is staggering & keeps on growing ...

We were once sold a lie, but it’s now been proven that animal protein is not necessary to be healthy...

Today, People are sick & dealing with disease & only change of habits combined with patience can reverse the damage...

Now you may be in a state of disbelief that it’s the animal products contributing to disease, and if so, I say, if your not willing to change for health - then change for the sake of the health of our earth...

Animal agriculture is contributing to the destruction of our earth & this cannot be disputed ...

Do you truly want to be on the side of those who were so uncaring about their own health, the planets health & the treatment of animals that you put your tastes, addictions , traditions & habits first?

We all share this place together so, let’s be reasonable & do what’s right ...

It’s time to change, stop holding on to the past, carve out new & improved traditions & habits, because each & everyone of us has more of an impact on the whole than we’ve ever been permitted to believe...

#Mariah 🍒 Heal Thy Self
Healthy Self...00192597-AD40-4F09-8A3F-61A7B8FEE324.jpeg

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