Doctors Call Just To Eat This Wonderful Vegetable 1 Is Enough Healthy Body Right

You feel have not got enough vegetable intake to keep a balanced diet? If Yes, there is some good news for you.

A doctor in the United Kingdom says, only taking one of these vegetables are enough to improve health. Curious?

Broccoli is a life Savior, "said Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, author of The book The Four Pillar Plan as well as a correspondent for the BBC program<

Dr Chatterjee was convinced that we simply have to eat broccoli for a healthy life. According to him, the green vegetables in General can increase the good bacteria in the stomach that helps the health of the digestive tract and boost the immune system.

"Broccoli got a lot of benefits. When you sign in to the intestine, broccoli helps balance the body's immune system. Then the fiber of broccoli that has not been able to digest the intestinal smooth going into the large intestine, the final part of the digestive system, the place where most of the stomach bacteria are and they start absorbing fibers and make the short chain fatty acids, "Dr Chatterjee.

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