Water therapy is very effective in curing various diseases. Many people have testified of its magical curing effects after implementing it.

What is water therapy and how is it?
Early in the morning, drink 5 to 6 glasses of water (approximately 1.50 litres of water ).After that, you can brush your teeth and wash your face. This is called water therapy.
It is to be strictly observed that before this exercise, no alcoholic drink was taken the previous night neither was there any solid food taken an hour earlier.
Japanese and Indians often practice this therapy and it has been scientifically proven to be effective .

Benefits Of Water Therapy
Water therapy has proven effective in the following diseases :

  1. Headache

  2. Epilepsy

  3. Tuberculosis

  4. Diarrhea

  5. Menstrual Disorders

  6. Body-ache

  7. Meningitis

  8. Piles

  9. Fartness

  10. Kidney and urinary diseases

  11. Diabetes

  12. Ear, Nose and throat diseases

  13. Arthritis

  14. Bronchitis

  15. Constipation

  16. Fast Heart Beat

  17. Asthma

  18. All eye diseases.

    Usage for treatment
    Early in the morning before brushing your teeth, drink 4-6 glasses of water each of 160ml.
    Brush and clean afterwards but sky not eat or drink for 45minutes. After 45 minutes, you may eat and drink as normal.
    The following lists the number of days for treatment required to cure main diseases :
    High BP -30 days
    Gastric -10 days
    Diabetes. -30 days
    Constipation -10 days
    Tuberculosis -90 days

Adekunle,Dolapo. Water Therapy. Ibadan: Victory publishing ministry, 2014
Research on Water Therapy from website.
Oxford Advance Learner's Dictionary. 7th -Ed. Oxford University Press.

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