How to keep fit working online, not spending hours at the gym?!

How to keep fit working online, not spending hours at the gym?!


So, are you one if those who spends hours at the office or home sitting on the chair at least 8 hours daily?! This article is for you my friend! I know your first excuses not going to the gym is "I don't have time", but how about making some exercises at your workplace, without needing any special equipment?!

It affects your mental abilities and focus more than you think !

But first, let me tell you what happens to your brain when you stop exercising. Resting for 10 days will slow the blood flow to 8 regions of your brain. Both sides of the hippocampus will be affected by restricted blood flow. The hippocampus is responsible for memory formation, storage and information retrieval. The most important is consistency, not letting your body atrophy muscles that are not being used, and keep the blood circulation and the hormones at a decent level. Now you that understand that sport doesn't mean only a nice body,but also a healthy brain, let's start with a simple scheme to begin your workout routine.


Current guidelines suggest 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week,75 minutes each week is recommended for high-intensity aerobic exercise. Regular exercise is crucial to keeping physically and mentally fit as you age.

Let's start with some very simple exercises. I dare you do this every day, for at least 7 days and you will start feeling the difference. How you do this? By putting you an alarm, a reminder every hour and have a "break" of 5-10 minutes for your body, there are plenty of apps to remind you to take break, find one that fits your needs.

Let's start

Break 1: 20 squads and one minute plank. Repeat this set 2-3 times with 1 minute rest. Squats are engaging legs, which are one of the biggest muscles in our body, and the plank will engage the whole core, which is very important for overall conditioning.


Break 2: 20 lunges each leg and 20 push-ups. Repeat this set 2-3 times with 1 minute rest between sets.


Break 3: 20 burpees. Burpees are one of the best exercises for fat loss, engaging a lot of muscles and explosive power.


Break 4: Jumping jacks 1 minute and 20 triceps dips. Repeat 2-3 times with 2 minutes rest. Any couch or chair can be used for triceps dips, but if you want it harder, use 2 chairs putting the legs on the second. The higher the legs, the harder the exercise.



Break 5: Essential for our body movement, is ofcourse stretching ! I will cover some main stretching techniques in future series, meanwhile you can use the help of numerous steching apps on both iOS and AppStore.


Always remember... healthy body, healthy mind.
And don't forget about water, which I will also cover in these series. Staying hydrated is crucial for both brain and overall body performance ! Follow me and you will find out a bunch of tips and tricks on how to maximize your performance !

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