Daily habits that damage health as well

Whether it is subconscious habits in your personal life or misguided lifestyle directions from your social environment, there are some habits that are so deeply rooted in your daily routine and for so long that you may not realize their negative impact on your health. Below we mention some of these common habits that many people have without perceiving their harmful consequences.
You brush your teeth after breakfast

Brushing teeth after eating foods containing acids - especially fruits and juices - can weaken their enamel. This can lead to teeth that have stains or increased risk of cracks and breaks. If you do not brush your teeth before breakfast, wash your mouth with water, wait for 40 minutes for calcium in your saliva to restore the areas where the enamel is weakened and brush them afterwards.

You do not drink enough water

Then we hear about the rejuvenating properties of water, but how many of us consume enough water every day? Adequate water consumption can help trigger muscles, revitalize the skin and lose weight. Also, the water rinses your kidneys and promotes normal bowel evacuation. In general, drinking more water rejuvenates and eliminates your fatigue. So drink as much water as you can (instead of soft drinks)!

Drivers in slavery with open windows

In large cities pollution of the atmosphere is a daily matter. In particular, air pollution in the central road arteries can be up to 10 times more than in the suburbs. Exhaust gases can cause headaches, cancer and heart disease. So shut off your car windows and hit the air recycling button in your car's air conditioner. This way you can restrict the air pollutants you breathe in a quarter.

Keep your muscles in tension

It's easy not to notice how stress manifests in your muscles. Often, after a stressful experience, our body and muscles are tightened and remain in this state for many hours. When this happens regularly, it can lead to back and back pain, migraines or even more severe conditions. It took a little while during your daily routine to relax your body and rid the accumulated anxiety. Turning your head slowly into circles, gathering your shoulders and taking deep breaths are some examples of relaxation exercises that you can apply anywhere.

Excessive consumption of red meat

Consumption of red meat has increased significantly in recent years. In our days it is very common to eat a big steak accompanied with french fries and little vegetables. On the contrary, on a healthy dinner, legumes and vegetables play the main role and the meat is the size of a deck. Meat is an acidic food. Therefore, in order to balance the pH levels in our body, we should eat as large or larger portions of alkaline foods as fruits and vegetables. Instead of meat being the focus of your meals, try to incorporate it as a secondary dish or supplement. Or even better, try at least once a week not to eat any meat.

Heat food in the microwave in plastic packaging

Although BPA-free plastics are better, it's not perfect. Phthalates in plastic can leak into food and can be detrimental to both the semen and your body's hormones. If you are going to heat food in the microwave, put your food in glass, porcelain or ceramic utensils.

Poor body posture when you sit

Those who work in the office or on the computer all day know how difficult it is to keep their bodies in the right position when they sit. However, now is the time to make a conscious change! The persistent bad posture can lead to a number of diseases for your spine and the middle, as well as gastrointestinal pains, headaches, poor blood circulation, and incomplete lung function. It can also cause tension in your muscles. It takes a conscious effort from the beginning to correct the attitude of your body when you are sitting, but the benefits to your health are definitely worth the effort.

You are sleeping slowly

Although the saying that "one hour sleep before midnight is equal to two hours of sleep after midnight" is a myth, there is a certain amount of truth in this idea. Going to sleep after midnight results in the loss of precious deep, non-REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Try to change your schedule so that you can sleep and wake up earlier and at the same time sleep for several hours.

You forget to breathe

When you are upset, angry, or anxious, you often forget the most powerful control mechanism in your body: breathing. And just by taking slow, deep, controlled breaths you can slow down your pulse, relax and gain spiritual clarity. Oxygen gives energy to your entire body, so the increase in oxygen gives more vitality to the muscles, organs and (most importantly) your brain, which control your emotions and your mental mood. The next time you feel that you are losing control, or that you have energy, or that you have stress, try to do some breathing exercises. See our previous article on deep breaths.

You do not smile enough

It always seems that happy people live longer, and there is a reason for that. When we smile, our brain releases endorphins that fight stress and relax us. Also, one of the biggest advantages of smile is that it is contagious. Smiling we can spread cheerfulness, build trust and build relationships with the people around us. So even when you are going through difficult times, try to find something that you feel good about. Do not forget to smile.

Drivers after consuming alcohol

People with a blood alcohol content of just 0.01% (well below the lower limit) are 46% more likely to get involved in a car accident than people who have no alcohol in their blood. If you are going to consume alcohol, you can reduce your blood alcohol by 30% by eating something before you drink.

You check the emails of your work before going to bed

A study by the University of Florida found that people using their smartphones for slavery after 9:00 in the evening wake up badly. And another great study in Singapore shows that excessive lack of sleep can increase the chance of stroke death. For these reasons, try to leave slavery in your office. Keep your mobile away from your bedroom and do not check your email after 9:00 in the evening (turn off the news sound). If something urgent happens in slavery, someone will call you.

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