"Good" cholesterol might actually be bad - High Density Lipoprotein


Commonly, the physicians had been telling not to worry about the "good" cholesterol , which is also called as high-density lipoprotein (HDL). But now, the New researchers however finds the associations between the high levels of the high-density lipoprotein and excessive mortality issues. The European Heart Journal , which has publish a new study finds that the "good" cholesterol , or say a high-density lipoprotein cholesterol might raise the risk for a premature death. 

As the large and a big community of health study suggests that the higher levels of this good cholesterol may protect against the heart disease and the prevailing strokes. But, by contrast, there is the another bad cholesterol also called as low-density lipoprotein (LDL), that blocks the arteries. 

The Study verifies that the men's which has a extreme levels of the HDL in their blood stream has a 106 percent higher chances of a pre-mature death than the men's with the normal levels of this type of cholesterol. Whereas, the women's which has an extreme levels of HDL cholesterol has about 69 percent of dying prematurely than the women with normal levels of this type of cholesterol. 

Taking this topic aside, knowing about the basics on cholesterol before going deep into this topic will make the knowledge clear ! Lets look closure to the cholesterol part .

Functions of Cholesterol   


Our body uses the cholesterol in producing the many hormones, vitamin D and bile acids that helps in digesting fats. Only a small amount is required in our bloodstream to meet this need in digestion. So, if there is any high level or excess cholesterol in the blood , then it starts to get deposit along the walls of arteries.  The arteries mainly include the coronary arteries which supplies heart , carotid arteries supplying the brain and the arteries supplying the legs and human intestine. 

Surprisingly, the cholesterol doesn't dissolve in the water in our body ,So it can't travel through the body by its own. It is transported via a protein . When this two (protein and cholesterol) combines, then it is called as lipo-protein.This is the one that helps in transporting the cholesterol through the bloodstream. Mainly, there are two types of cholesterol : 

Basic mechanism of  Cholesterol HDL and LDL on the artery walls   

LDL (low-density lipoprotein ) which is also called as " bad cholesterol" , carries the cholesterol to the cells that are hungry for. If there happens to be too much cholesterol carrying to the specific areas, then it starts to get build up on the walls of the arteries. This build-up matter is called as "plaque".  This build up plaque restricts the flow of blood to the brain , heart and even to the rest of the body parts. Restricting and triggering of formation of the blood clot also occurs somewhere in the body resulting into a diseases of the arteries and a serious health problems like stroke and heart attacks. And for these all reasons, this LDL (low-density lipoportein) is called as "bad cholesterol".

Basic rules of HDL and  LDL on deposition and excretion of cholesterol in the artery wall    (credit)

Another is the HDL(high-density lipoprotein) which is also known to be "good cholesterol".This checks the LDL level and brings back the LDL cholesterol to the liver for further elimination. It generally carries the cholesterol away from various cells and bring back to liver. In liver, it breaks down or eliminates from the body in the form of waste products. And this the reason why HDL is known as "good cholesterol". 

So, How does the high cholesterol appears in the blood ? 

We take various diet in our daily life. Eating too much food which contain high amounts of fats has the action of increasing the levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood.  When this situation happens , it is called as high cholesterol or also termed as hypercholesterolemia or hyperlipidemia. Therefore, the fat deposits build up on the walls of blood vessels when there is high levels of LDL or low levels of HDL. Deposits then make it difficult for the blood to flow through the arteries by blocking the flow. This results in the problems mainly related to the heart and brain, and it could also be fatal among cases. 

Stages in Formation of plaque by deposition of fats on the blood vessels  (credit)

Therefore, knowing about the levels of cholesterol in the blood is important as and effort for prevention of any future heart diseases and blockage of arteries and vessels.

What's the bad version of "good" cholesterol ? 

Presently, the studies have formulated that a form of so called "good" cholesterol , or high-density lipoprotein can sometimes become dis-functional . The protecting nature of this cholesterol against various heart disease has become a pro-motor in some cases which actively clogs up and hardens the arteries and vessels . 

Tissue expression of apoA1 protein  (staining of liver tissue )     (credit)

Research led by Cleveland Clinic located in the US has discovered the molecular basics and process that has made the "good"cholesterol start acting badly. It was the type of protein called as Apolipoprotein A1 (apoA1) which transfers the cholesterol out of the arteries and vessels wall and sends it to the liver for further excretion process. During this process, the protein oxidizes the cholesterol during the travel through the artery walls . When oxidized, it losses it's protective nature and properties which then leads to the Coronary artery disease. This was also put forth in the online paper "Nature Medicine" with their current findings. 

After this, they had a knowledge that how the use of some clinical drugs used in increasing the HDL level in blood for cardio-protective have failed rather than improvenment. 

Science behind the cholesterol oxidization in the artery walls !  

So, the researches have found this apoA1 protein along with the HDL, and due to this protein, the oxidization is taking place. After the researches from Dr.Hazen of Lerner Research Institute at the Cleveland Clinic, the identification for the dysfunction of this apoA1/HDL is done ! 

It was all the gameplay of a compound which played the game of oxidization called as myeloperoxidase (MPO). After this finding, the researchers then tested the blood from 627 patients who had been attending their clinics and found the higher levels of dysfunctional HDL which has raised the risks for many cardio-vascular diseases. And Now, the highlights from this cases has made the researchers and doctors the make a drug which can handle the hurdling situation created by the dysfunctional HDL and eradicating its promotion to the development of atherosclerosis. 

Staining of myeloperoxidase  (credit)

While some team in the US researchers described the connection between the cholesterol and brain deposit causing Alzheimer's. During this study, they found both high levels of HDL "good" cholesterol  and low levels of LDL "bad" cholesterol which was associated with the formation of plaque deposits in the brain areas. And these plaques happens to be the hallmark for the Alzheimer's disease. 

And at last : There is the general guidelines for the cholesterol levels . It is usually measured in the units called as millimoles per litre of blood .

  1. 5 mmol/l for the healthy adults
  2. 4mmol/l or less for those who are at high risk.

This is all for today Steemians ! Hope to meet you on other health post ! Thanks !

With love, 


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Reference Used: 

(1) https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/271751.php?sr





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