Surviving vs Thriving

Surviving vs Thriving

Do you want to survive or thrive in your life?
Each moment we have is a choice point – we get to choose how we feel, what we think and how we live our lives. So what is the difference?


choose the path of least resistance

settle in life

become part of the herd mentality

you blame outside circumstances or other people for things going wrong in your life

working a job you hate for a pay check

lie, cheat, steal or manipulate as you are not connected to the Universal energy or trusting of it

afraid to speak your mind or stand out or up for what you believe in (don't really know what that is either)

you don't listen to hear you listen to answer

in your head a lot trying to figure it out

don't trust - very concrete in the 3D reality

change is scary

its usually about me (you)



know oneself or on the path of knowing oneself therefore one’s values and beliefs too

In more states of Love, Joy, Bliss & Gratitude for your life and what you are choosing in it knowing you are creating it ALL

you surround yourself with people who are doing, being and living the same way – higher vibe people

you take care of yourself mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually

you don’t come from a place of judgement, competition or needing to manipulate anyone as Love is a stronger vibe in your world and you love yourself and everyone as equals

you know or at least are on the path of knowing how the Universe works

you do things and spend time doing things that you love doing and bring you joy or to help make a difference in the world

maybe even you are becoming aware of the Matrix and getting out of it!! :)

Each moment in your life is a choice moment – you get to choose how to think, feel or do – if Everything IS Energy – YOU are a Creator NOT a Victim – it’s never to late to start thriving!!

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