Cure Depression yourself without use of medicament .

Life comes with many ups and downs..will power must be strong enough to face them. Many innocent people often entangle their thoughts between being sad and think that they are caught by depression.
Firstly this should be clear that there is a big difference between being sad and depression. Sadness is acute state of mind which may be counted as an emotion. But when this state of mind becomes chronic and effects extremely the health and mind of the person who finds very difficult to overcome this , then it may termed as depression
Apart from adding to be psychic patient , instead the patient must be given a positive treatment and there should be no shame in visiting a psychologist , after all mind and peace belongs to all. Anti-psychotics may be used. But beware of its side effects. It makes the patient addict which actually looses his hope to overcome this problem naturally. Other ways to overcome depression

Word depression is mainly the form of mentally upset or disturbed In other terms depression is a form of stress or decrease in willing power.

Sign of depression.
.Trouble sleeping
.Trouble Focusing
.Feeling of Worthlessness


What causes depression ?

Main reason is chemical imbalance in brain.This chemical imbalance is caused due to overthinking ,stress, nervousness, irritability, and problems sleeping and concentrating.

Natural remedies for depression and anxiety

  1. Yoga:
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    controlled breathing, meditation, walks in fresh air helps rejuvenate mind and soul
  2. Fresh diet:
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    including fresh fruits, juices provides nourishment. Studies on fish oil are inconclusive, but it is thought that being deficient in this fatty acid at certain times can cause mood swings and depression.
  3. Social communication:
    the patient must be initiated to join various social platforms that may divert the mind.
  4. Therapies:
    various therapies like Light therapy

During the short, dark days of winter, some people are prone to a type of depression called seasonal affective disorder.
One way to ease symptoms may be light therapy, in which you sit near a brightly lit box that mimics outdoor light. The therapy generally starts with daily sessions of about 15 minutes and increases to up to two hours daily. The timing depends upon the severity of symptoms and the intensity of the light, which a doctor can determine. Acupuncture may also help.

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