GymSamurai: Shortcut to Size, Phase I / Microcycle I / Day 5

"Modern bodybuilding is ritual, religion, sport, art, and science, awash in Western chemistry and mathematics. Defying nature, it surpasses it." - Camille Paglia

Back at it! After a hiatus from steemit for a while, I'm back tracking and posting my workouts. I've been training fairly consistently while I was away, with efforts ramping up the past two months. I began Jim Stoppani's Shortcut to Size Program this week, and just finished Day 5.

Leg Day. The most feared day of the week. I SO was not feeling like going to the gym today, but I sucked it up and went, knowing it'd be an hour of suffering at most, then I'd be done - and feeling great that I didn't skip a day.

That said, I did skip the Romanian Deadlifts and the Ab work. Romanians because I didn't have my belt and didn't want to stress my back, and Abs because I was whipped after legs.

The first microcycle is the hardest for me as the rep ranges are high, in the 12-15 range, and my muscles do much better at lower reps. I'm strong, but don't have a lot of endurance. Plus the lactic acid builds up pretty hard at the higher reps. This stimulates hypertrophy (growth), which is the intent, but the burn is pretty severe.

All said, I got in a good leg day and hobbled my way out of the gym and home, to collapse and eat. :) No workouts scheduled for the weekend, but I plan to get in some cardio both days and get my body fat tested again on Sunday to gauge my progress the last two weeks.

Body weight: 254.8lbs (+1.2lbs)
Body fat: 24.5%
Calories burned: 3136
Calories eaten: 1946 (129g protein, 178g carb, 70g fat)
Steps taken: 3504
Workout duration: 46 min
Weight lifted: 21,000lbs


Barbell Squat: 135x12/12/12/12
One Leg Leg Press: 180x2x10, 90x2x12/12/6
Leg Extensions: 60x12/12/12/8
Lying Leg Curls: 60x15/15/12/6


10 min

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