Know your food series, Day 1- Banana



It's the Know your food series in which a food item is selected everyday and it's benefits and nutritional facts will be presented. So food of the day is BANANA. Here are some nutritional facts first-

Energy371KJ (89Kcal)


Vitamins play many roles in the body. Their main actions are co-enzymatic function and antioxidant and hormonal actions.

Vitamins are involved in 4 major types of functions:

  • Coenzyme function: the vitamin binds to the enzyme that catalyses a chemical reaction and acts in conjunction with it. For example, vitamin B2 acts as a coenzyme in energy production by glucose oxidation.

  • The transfer of protons and electrons in the respiratory chain and the neutralization of free radicals which are toxic to the tissues (antioxidant action).

  • Stabilization of membranes by inhibition of oxidation phenomena.

  • A function of hormonal type by triggering the synthesis of an protein.

Vitamins participate in many cell metabolisms by intervening in chemical reactions either as an active agent, or by allowing the reaction between two agents, or by neutralizing the waste of the reaction.

Vitaminsquantity% age
Riboflavin (B2)0.073mg6%
niacin (B3)0.665mg4%
vitamin C8.7mg10%


  • Minerals are essential to most physiological mechanisms. They must be present in an appropriate balance. The athlete or the active individual must be careful not to miss every day at risk of physical and mental disorder and weariness.
  • A balanced diet normally meets our daily needs, but in the event of a food dysfunction or poorly assimilated component, the use of dietary supplements and other mineral complexes can be useful for re-balancing and therefore beneficial to health.




1- Provides rapid energy

Bananas are an excellent breakfast for children and adults as they provide the necessary energy throughout the day. This is probably the health benefit of the best known banana.

2-Helps keep blood pressure under control

Research indicates that potassium keeps blood pressure under control and a better intake of calcium, potassium and magnesium can also help lower blood pressure. Bananas are rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium, so it is a healthy option to keep blood pressure under control.

3-Helps reduce cholesterol

It is said that the pectin which is a soluble fiber contained in the banana makes it possible to lower the cholesterol level. According to the researchers, fibers that are water-soluble such as pectin, psyllium, beta-glucan, etc., reduce LDL cholesterol levels without disrupting HDL cholesterol levels.

4- Supports renal health

Since bananas are a rich source of potassium, if they are used regularly in moderation, it promotes renal health. The International Journal of Cancer states that since bananas are a source of antioxidant phenolic compounds, if they are consumed with vegetables such as cabbage and root vegetables, they protect kidney health.

5-Improves nerve function and improves gray matter

Banana is rich in B vitamins that are beneficial for nerve function. The potassium contained in the banana improves nerve function and stimulates learning abilities.

6-Decreases risk of stroke

Studies indicate that regular consumption of bananas in the daily diet reduces the risk of stroke and this is due to the large amount of potassium.

7- Decreases cancer risk

Rich in antioxidants and dietary fiber, bananas can decrease the risk of different types of cancer, including colon cancer.

8-Help build stronger bones

Probiotic bacteria found in bananas are known for their amazing ability to absorb calcium in the body. As a result, bananas help build stronger bones.

9-Improves digestive capacity

It is very rich in fructooligosaccharide which acts as a probiotic (good bacteria). It stimulates the growth and activity of probiotics in the colon and produces enzymes that allow the absorption of nutrients, thus improving digestive capacity and preventing bad bacteria from harming the body.

10-Helps fight stomach ulcers

Certain substances present in bananas stimulate the cells which constitute the wall of the stomach, this makes it possible to produce a thick barrier of protective mucus against gastric acids. The substance, also known as banana protease inhibitors, helps to remove the bacteria responsible for stomach ulcer.

11-Helps control diarrhea

Bananas are astringent in nature and are effective in treating diarrhea. They also regulate the equilibrium of fluids.

12- Relieves constipation

Pectin contained in bananas helps relieve constipation and improves intestinal function.

13- Helps to cure hemorrhoids

As bananas help to regulate the movement of the intestine, they help fight hemorrhoids.

14- Helps regulate anemia

Bananas are good for anemic patients because they are rich in iron which helps to regulate hemoglobin levels in the body.

15- Helps relieve heartburn

The antacid substance contained in the banana provides immense relief in the event of heartburn.

16- Prevents allergies

The presence of amino acids in the banana helps to fight against allergies.

17- Help to stop smoking

Vitamins B6 and B12 as well as magnesium and potassium of bananas make it possible to get out of the addiction to nicotine.

18- Helps to pass the hangover

When bananas are mixed with honey and yoghurt, the hangover

19- Benefits of bananas to lose weight

Bananas are rich in fiber and low in fat and are easy to digest. A 100 gram banana contains about 90 calories. And taking all of its benefits into account, including it in your diet will only do you good. So do not completely remove the banana from your diet if you are dieting.

20 - Prevents insomnia

Bananas are rich in amino acids called tryptophan. This substance triggers the production of melatonin (sleeping hormone) which induces sleep. Eating a banana a few hours before going to sleep makes it possible to have a peaceful night.

21 - Reduces inflammation caused by mosquito bites

The itching and inflammation caused by mosquito bites can be relieved by rubbing the inside of a banana on the bite.

22 - Other benefits of bananas

Vitamin B6, serotonin, tryptophan, dopamine contained in bananas help fight premenstrual syndrome symptoms, irregular mood swings and depression.
Benefits of banana for the skin
The banana contains nutrients that are essential for the skin. It contains significant amounts of vitamin C and B6 which play a vital role in maintaining the integrity and elasticity of the skin.
In addition, the antioxidants and manganese in the banana protect the body from damage caused by free radicals that cause aging of the skin.
So, an important benefit of banana is the appearance of younger skin. A banana contains about 75 percent water. So it helps moisturize your skin and prevents it from drying out of peel.
Here are some benefits of banana for skin care

23 - Natural moisturizer

Banana is an excellent natural moisturizer for your skin. The vitamin A in the banana restores the lost moisture and repairs the dull, dry and damaged skin. To moisturize your skin, crush a ripe banana and spread it on your face. Avoid contact with eyes. Leave it on your skin for 20-25 minutes, then wash with lukewarm water. You will instantly have soft and supple skin. If you have very dry and scaly skin, you can also add honey to this mask. This recipe will also help you get rid of skin pigmentation.
Another easy mask to have a moisturized skin is to crush a half ripe banana and mix it with 1 tablespoon of yogurt and 1 c of vitamin E. Apply it on a clean face and wash it after 30 minutes .

24 - Mask for a radiant complexion

Banana contains vitamin C which helps to preserve the natural glow of the skin.
Crush a ripe banana and mix it with lemon juice (about 2-3 tbsp). Leave on for 25 minutes. This mask is rich in vitamin C, which will help you to reduce stains and blemishes.

25 - Banana, a skin exfoliator

The banana is rich in antioxidants; Mixed with certain ingredients, it not only helps get rid of dead skin, but also leaves a sense of rejuvenation.
Take the puree of a banana and 1 tablespoon of caster sugar and mix well. Apply to your skin and rub in circular motions. The banana hydrates your dry skin and the sugar grains rid the dead skin.
Crush a ripe banana; Add 2-3 tablespoons of oats, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of milk. Apply on your face and let it 5 minutes, then, gently rub on your skin. Wash with cold water. If you have very dry skin, you can replace the milk with the fresh cream.
Take a half ripe banana, 1 tablespoon of coconut milk, 2 spoons of uncooked rice, mix to obtain a thick paste. Gently massage your face with this paste and wash with cold water.

26 - Anti-aging

The nutrients in the banana help fight wrinkles and keep younger skin. For an anti-aging facial mask rich in vitamins A and E, crush an avocado and a banana. Leave on skin for 25 minutes and rinse. Your skin will be soft and rejuvenated. Vitamins E in avocados mixed with nutrients in bananas fight free radicals and repair damage.


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