Thursday's Visit from the Home Health Nurse

The home health nurse came to check on Daddy this afternoon. She, too, is concerned about Daddy not wanting to get out of bed. She asked him why and he told her that he had fallen too many times. He did not want to take the risk again. She is also concerned that he does not want to eat. We can make him eat if we feed him, but he makes no effort to feed himself. The mere act of eating leaves him exhausted. He did ask me to bake another one of those fabulous chocolate cakes I posted about. lol.

As fate would have it, today is the third anniversary of my mom's passing. My brother and sisters all believe this is a factor in Dad's sudden downturn. The nurse agreed that this fall was the proverbial last straw. Fear of falling, in addition to this time of year and specifically thinking about Mom's passing could all have put him into a downward spiral. She called his symptoms to be Failure to Thrive. FTT can be a terminal condition.

My dear husband and I worked very hard today taking out his king size bed and setting up the hospital bed in his room. At this point, it seems all we can do is wait and see where this road leads.

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