Eat more water? EAT water? Yes, let me explain

If you find that you simply can’t drink enough water, then EAT your water instead! You should still try to drink as much as you can (without getting waterlogged), but this attack plan is good for the days when you’re a little below your water intake goal.


There are fruits and veggies that have a high water content, therefore helping to hydrate you. These include:


See? Easy peasy. That's how to EAT more water by eating fruits & veggies with a high water content.

Another way to keep up your liquid intake:

You can do that by watering down your juice. When you really want a glass of juice instead of water, you can dilute it so increase your water content a bit. Just think about it – if you have a 12-ounce glass, and you dilute it with water just by 25 percent, that cup of yummy, fruity juice has also added 4 ounces of water. It is a super easy way to add to your water intake for the day. This is also going to reduce your calories, carbs, and sugar. Win/win/win.

If you often forget to drink enough water, these little reminders can help.

Drink water before every meal, snack, and other beverage
Drink a glass of water when you wake up
Drink water before or after your workouts
Drink a glass of water after every trip to the bathroom (leave a glass next to the wash basin?)
Drink a glass of water every time you enter your office or your home
Keep a water glass on your work desk or bench.

So what do we say to wrap this up? DRINK UP. Water, that is. And dehydration wont be a problem.

Written by Gary Harvey and first published here
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Photo credits: Stencil


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