Metabolic meltdown and insulin resistance - a brief overview

FB9AFF10-DEF2-43A9-B044-324D11C72BEC.jpegHigh Insulin is indicative of high ROS, High *ROS is indicative of insufficient antioxidants in the mitochondria. So what is it that is pre-loading the system?

Probably many things, PUFA6, low level radiation, constant trickle of high glycemic food without intermittent fasting, inappropriate stress responses, who knows...

Whatever it is, it makes carbohydrates less and less viable as a fuel. It makes us more susceptible to cancer and other metabolic meltdowns.

Insulin - the hormone that tells the Cell to open up and accept glucose.

*ROS - Residual Oxygen Species - free radicals or un-neutralized by-products from the oxidation of fuel, (sugar or fat). ROS is also the signal that says “I cant handle any more carbs- please convert the rest to triglyceride and stuff it somewhere.

PUFA6 - Polyunsaturated Omega 6 Fatty Acids, Seed/vegetable oils are perhaps the most toxic substances ever sold as food.

Antioxidants - donate electrons to neutralize ROS and other sources of oxidative stress, such as highly unstable PUFA

Antioxidants- are manufactured in our body, high glycemic fruits and vegetables are unlikely to provide benefit in equal measure to their oxidative footprint.

Cancer - Occurs when a cells mitochondria are so badly damaged by ROS, they revert to fermentation of glucose and glutamine for energy - like a fungus. Lactic acid is a by-product and shows up on PET scans. Afflicted cells have insufficient energy to protect their DNA, mutations are a downstream effect.

Metabolic Meltdown - occurs anytime the mitochondria has insufficient antioxidants to clean up ROS during the energy production process. Insulin resistance is the first sign that something is wrong.

Macrophages- type of white blood cell, crucial to immune function, they consume threatening and dysfunctional organic matter. Macrophages function 14 x more effectively when they contain 50 x the ascorbic acid, (AA) of the surrounding blood. (Ascorbic Acid is basically Vitamin C)

GAA theory - Glucose Ascorbate Antagonism - glucose is structurally similar to ascorbic acid (AA or Vit. C). In a high glycemic environment, immune system macrophages(leukocytes or white blood cells) become saturated with glucose which inhibits their ability to hold AA. - Vitamin C supplements in a high carb diet are ineffective when blood glucose is over 130mg/dL (John T A Ely PHD discovered this in the 1970’s) It also reduces glutathione production. Csaba Toth brought GAA to my attention in his cancer research. J

Ketones - produced from fat in the absence of glucose, require 28% less oxygen and therefor produce less ROS to create energy. They also reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, have been shown to enhance wound healing. They are a smart drug and provide a smooth consistent energy supply with minimal oxidative stress. They can be created from dietary or stored body fat. Except in rare cases, cancer cells can not use them for fuel.

LDL Cholesterol - the so called “bad Cholesterol” is an essential component of cells and hormones and acts as a band aid to heal lesions, (ruptures). PUFA 6 and High insulin are both harmful to the cells that line our arteries,(endothelial cells). This damage attracts both LDL and Macrophages to heal and clean up. Both become oxidized, forming plaques, (scabs) and SDL - small dense lipids - Nasty Dangerous Cholesterol. This is heart disease and may be the thing that is using up all our antioxidants- removing them from our mitochondria to help fight the war in our arteries.

Triglycerides- when your cells can not take any more glucose due to high ROS. The rest is sent to your liver, where it is turned into fats called triglycerides. Much is stored in the liver and organs, the rest goes into fat cells. (These also become resistant to insulin which is possibly why it ends up back in your liver).

AHA - American Heart Association recommend people to stop eating healthy saturated fat and red meat - told them to eat PUFA6 vegetable oils (grass seed oils) and multiple servings of grains, (grass seeds). They were funded by companies who control these commodities, probably killed more people than Hitler. Big pharma has not missed out on the opportunity to treat sick people.

Insulin Resistance - there is no healthy place to store excess glucose - cells dont want it, so they ignore the signal of insulin, over 4teaspoons of glucose in your blood that represents about 1,000teaspoons is too much. So the insulin signal is increased forcing the cells to open up and take it. ROS increases, Insulin increases - eventually it gets converted to triglyceride and you have a blood sugar crash and are hungry again. Fat, sick and hungry, but the body is amazing and this can go on for decades. Especially if you stay on the treadmill trying to out run all those triglyceride calories.

Only food can heal you, food and letting go of stories that simply are not verifiable.

Speaking of which, you really should check all this out for yourself and pay attention to who is getting fantastic results without supplements, surgery or medicine.

Totally recommend the work of Ivor Cummings if you would like an entertaining and deeply informative view into what is really going on with our food and our bodies.

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