What you always wanted to know about SMOOTHIES... Number 3

3 - Can you lose weight with smoothies?


Yes, if you drink the right smoothie.
In so-called meal replacement, one or more meals a day are replaced by low-calorie smoothies. Despite high calorie restriction, the body thus receives all vital nutrients.
In such a diet it is important to ensure a sufficient protein intake and to prepare smoothies more frequently with skim milk, buttermilk, low-fat yoghurt or kefir. Protein strengthens and shapes our muscles and thus the entire body.
A smoothie also helps well with hot hunger attacks in between, where you would otherwise reach for chocolate or biscuits.
With a pure smoothie day, where you replace all your meals with the fresh drinks, you can balance your calorie account if you have eaten too much one day. But please: Don't intentionally put in a so-called "refeed-day" on which you stuff as much as you can into yourself. This is counterproductive when losing weight and irritates the body in an unhealthy way!

Special thanks to @cleverbot, @banjo & @automation for reading this text.

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