The poison we eat – six alternative ways to avoid supermarket foods full of pesticides

Dear Steemians,

Most people go to supermarket with a good feeling. Here in Germany we have a wide range of fruits and vegetables to chose from which makes us believe we have no reason to complain and can be grateful. But do we really have a choice what we eat?

Of course, you can chose from almost countless types of vegetables and fruits in most grocery stores. But the best thing about them might be their appearance. With all the bright colors the food industry tempts us to buy all of them, think we have a lot of good things to eat and feel healthy.

But the truth is often devastating. Studies around the globe show that most of the vegetables and fruits we can buy in supermarkets are so full of pesticides, that it is even dangerous and health threatening to consume them! The idyllic picture of a happy, healthy products producing farmer gave way to a loveless and low-budget monoculture long ago.

More and more companies use pesticides which are so harmful to us, that they are even illegal. But due to the financial pressure those companies have thanks to the low-price battle in stores and a lack of financial support by the governments and their focus on making as much profit as possible, they stop at almost nothing. Using illegal and highly harmful substances to maintain the goals of an insanely big harvest is one main side effect of a capitalistic, low-budget and natural agriculture killing industry.

The amount of used posions increases and the governments of many countries even approve it. Growing vegetables and fruits is no act of altruism and a job to offer some healthy foods to humanity anymore. With every year it seems to take one step towards a chemical warfare on the fields, aiming on high profits and making dumping prices in supermarkets possible. It's not about giving you a proper nutrition, in most cases it's a giant business accepting to put consumers in danger.


Countless risks have been discovered regarding the consume of foods contaminated with pesticides.

One simple question I saw on a picture in the internet made me think for a while and encouraged me even more in finding alternatives to the healthy looking low-price poison bombs from local grocery stores:

If pesticeides are not that dangerous and we can consume the foods without worries, then why do the workers on the fields wear gas masks and protective overals while spraying ?

Yes, you could say it's because the concentration of the substances in the air is much higher while spraying than on our food. But while we think of eating healthy and with care produced foods, in reality we consume cucumbers and tomatoes made by indusrty workers looking like utopian and post-apocalyptic soldiers from a fallout area.

I refuse to spend my money on an edible suicide. The more fruits I buy that look still the same after weeks and the more tomatoes I buy that taste like a chemistry set, the more I look for alternatives. I don't want to live an illusion of eating healthy. I REALLY want to eat healthy.

There are some easy steps we all can do to escape that chemical madness and start nourishing us with valuable and good foods instead.

1. Grow your own vegetables, fruits and herbs at home


Have your own delicious and organic fruits, vegetables, herbs, salads and more on your balcony, terrace, dooryard or home. You can even decorate your plant tubs in a nice way or do your own ones by upcycling old materials and arrange them in a cool looking way!

There are seeds for almost any type of veggies and fruits you want for very cheap prices and you can even watch your own food grow and see how it turns from a small germ into a wonderful plant.

And it is a definately a very decorative and colourful eyecatcher!

We grow some peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, herbs, strawberries and sprouts. More will follow...(And if ready of course some photos)

2. Rent or buy a garden or piece of land and farm it


If you only have a small apartment with no oportunity to grow a lot of plants or simply love gardening, you can also rent your own little garden or piece of land and plant all the things you love. And you have a stunning little wonderland to spend time and relax from work and everyday's life.

3. Community supported agriculture


The number of alternative agriculture projects increases and the idea of normal citizens, gardeners, farmers and other people who have professional knowledge in farming or producing foods gets more and more popular.

The idea behind it is to escape that industrial, chemical monoculture, rent some land and do your own farming. No pesticides, no monoculture, no tons of wasted foods. Just people with different knowledge and skills merging to a team helping together to grow the vegetables and fruits they want to eat.

If you don't want to help on the fields and work for the project, you can also support them financally and receive a box of the best organic foods you can imagine every week/two weeks/or month (depending on the project).

Look for some alternative community supported agriculture projects in your area and join the movement! My husband and me will start doing so this summer and we are excited to become little farmers ourselves and eat truly healthy and wonderful food.

4. Look what nature offers you for free


You love taking walks, hiking or doing tours with your bike? My husband and me discovered a lot of trees and bushes with plenty of fruits on it in nature. Apple, plum and other trees that belong to no one and simply offer you some ripe and delicious fruits!

You can also find rare and super yummy herbs in some areas.

Lots of fruits maybe just fall off the trees and bushes around your area and decompose when you don't pick them up. So save some money while grabbing some amazing ripe, local and organic fruits for free!

5. Visit some organic markets with local products


Lots of markets offer many products from wholesalers while people think they buy local ones. But there are also market stalls that really offer organic, local and very good foods. Ask where the products they offer come from and especially look for local organic markets.

6. Exchange with neighbours, friends, family and even strangers


Ever heard of foodsharing? This isn't only a great way to avoid wasting foods and share the ones you don't need with your fellow human beings, but also to get some extremely fresh, good and self grown fruits and vegetables.

We got a lot of super healthy, self grown and delicious veggies and fruits from neighbours, family and friends who simply had such a good harvest in their garden or on their balcony that they did not need all of it and shared it with us. You can also exchange foods with people and offer some other things you don't need anymore or some help (mowing the lawn, washing the car, walking the dog..) for fresh and healthy groceries.

Do you have any other ideas or even produce your own organic foods? I am excited to hear your stories on how you escape the chemical warfare on our plates!

Much love and good vibes,

Yours Linda

Thank you very much for reading and your support! 💖

All pictures are from Pixabay. The first one is proceeded (I added the skull and cutlery. All from Pixabay).

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