Parasites, Candida, Depression & (Cancer)

Last year I checked my stomach and blood at a kinesiology clinic because I'm constantly tired. And it turned out that I had lots and lots of parasites in me. A few years back I did the same and got the diagnosis of candida, where I afterward did a candida diet. But now it was time to do it again, so I thought I could share my diet here for you who's interested in raising your energy level, becoming happier and healthier and to clear out the body of filth.

So here we go:

I started two months ago, with a session of magic psilocybin mushrooms to open up old emotional blockages and have now done a total of five sessions with them during these two months. It has been a ride, to say the least! These liberty caps are no joke, 3 out of 5 times I have been crying like a baby for 2-4 hours, but eating 50 of those is like going to 50 sessions at a psychologist. So it really helps! That would mean around 235 psychologist sessions for me;)

I would recommend watching these Ted talks for more info about psilocybin mushrooms.

After that, I started with my diet.

First of all, I cut out all carbs, sugar (fruits included), meat, dairy products, coffee and alcohol. I only eat vegetables, fish, and eggs for at least 3 weeks to a month. It’s important to keep the body alkaline.

And to really be able to get rid of the parasites I eat this list of stuff every day.

Papaya seeds.

Pumpkin seeds.

Aloe Vera.


Grape seed extract.


Colloidal silver.

Extra virgin coconut oil.

Extra virgin olive oil.



Amanita muscaria. (small pieces)


Vitamine B, C, D.


I also use these 7 crystals that I have put in a jug of water to balance my chakras. I take just take a few sips every day from it.

Root Chakra - Obsidian

Sacral Chakra - Orange Calcite

Solar Plexus - Citrine

Heart Chakra - Rose Quartz

Throat Chakra - Turquoise

Third Eye Chakra - Amethyst

Crown Chakra - Clear Quartz

I'm on my second week of the diet now and my energy level has increased a lot! First 3 days though was a real pain and I'm not saying that it's easy to eat like this, but it's totally worth it! And I would recommend everybody to do it, the payoff is great!

That’s that, much love!

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