Webinar: John Mackey on plant-based diets

I received a message from Mary Ruwart telling me she’d have a health conference where John Mackey would be speaking and invited me to join them. That same weekend, my best friend and co-proprietor of The Free Thought Project, Jason Bassler, was going to be visiting me from Santa Cruz, California. As soon as he landed I told him about Mary’s message and he was just as excited as I was to go to Austin and witness this event.

We drove down and arrived at the hotel where we’d be spending the night, prepared our clothes for the next day and went to grab some brick oven pizza and a beer. The following morning, we got up early and went to the center where the conference would take place. We signed in, grabbed our name tags, and went in. unbeknownst to me, the table at the very front right had several seats available and it happened to be precisely next to John Mackey. I grabbed my shy friend Jason and walked us to that table I had eyed.

There were a couple other presenters before Mackey which were very enlightening and informative. One of them had technical difficulties and it seemed that even the tech guy was having issues. I tried to stay back but having had those embarrassing experiences as a presenter myself, I decided I would jump in and help them fix it.

Plant based diets
John Mackey is definitely one of my heroes and a very inspiring person. In his presentation he talks about how a plant-based diet is truly optimal for humans and even if we ate meat, there are ways to make it healthier.

He points out the following:

I. A distillation of the best that science has to offer on what makes for a healthy diet.
II. How to lead a lifestyle that is based in the science of section one.
III. A 28-day plan, which shows in practice–and with recipes–what section two looks like.

If you are wanting to do a jump-start on your health or get even healthier in this new year, this is definitely a presentation to watch about plant-based diets.

Mary Ruwart invited me to do the editing on this video and allowed me to publish it after her.

In health,
Luis Fernando Mises

Also on my website: https://emancipatedhuman.com/webinar-john-mackey/

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