I love discovering the little-known beauties of nature. Today, there is a beautiful, cochleah in the same order!


If you have not met Kohlrabi yet, it's time to meet him. In the big markets, the counters in the neighborhood markets, it is a name that will often come out against you.

When I saw him in the counter, do not come to know me, I know how useful and delicious it is and I wanted to meet him and meet him as soon as possible. Of course I did not tell you where to go and how to use it.

Of course what you have in it is cohrabi, which is quite rich in terms of the nutrients needed for our bodies. In addition to this, it is known that vitamins and minerals contribute to our body. Cohlrabi, which contains many types of A, C, and B vitamins; calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron minerals such as very powerful plants.

Thanks to all these vitamins and minerals, it is said that beautiful plants that show antioxidant properties are also very positive effects on various cancer types.


Kohlrabi Benefits

Kohlrabi does not know how to balance blood pressure with plenty of potassium in it, especially helping those with high blood pressure problems.
Reducing the risk of getting heart and vascular diseases thanks to blood pressure balancing.
Kohlrabi is rich in iron, so it supports the anemia problem.
Thanks to its strong antioxidant properties, it fights the free radicals entering the body, the risk of cancer cells growing and the spreading of the existing ones.
With the influence of your blood pressure, it helps you to get through fatigue, nervousness and stress more easily.
It is known that it has positive effects on protecting kidney health and improving it.
Because of its abundant vitamins and minerals, it allows the rapid transmission of upper respiratory infections, quickly eliminating problems such as influenza and colds.
Kohlrabi 's tuber is squeezed out of the water, cure is an endless cough.
As all these benefits are not enough and they have a low calorie, they become the biggest supporters of diets.

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Kohlrabi is actually a vegetable that can be found in all seasons when grown properly. After what you have to do, how can you cook, how to cook, how to eat it, you can count all kinds of ways.

For example, you can slice the tuber like a radish and combine it with a lemon and easily turn it into a salad, or you can add a salad with a grind again. Likewise, you can evaluate your leaves both as a salad and as you cook other leafy vegetables.

You can also consume the tuberous portion by adding it into your meat dishes, boiling it or even baking it.

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