Day 120: 5 minute #freewrite: Friday - Prompt: Vitamins

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As many of us know, vitamins are good for us by bringing vitality and health to our body.

My experience in regards to vitamins has been to ensure a proper balance of diet, exercise, and taking vitamins on rotation.

I started taking vitamins after a terrible ingestive issue and it most likely occurred during few years of eating fast food and drinking soda.

After I started to have a very stressed out internal system and losing my hair, I started the Blood Type Diet. That seemed to regulate my body a bit, but not quite get to the core of my issue.

Soon after I found the Bragg Diet to be very helpful, and that is when I started to do a body cleanse twice a year, every year. I now do the Blessed Herb body cleanse that can be found online during the spring and fall.

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As a woman, I found that the vitamin Hairfinity is excellent for hair, skin, and nails. Also, Women’s One, which combines the vitamins a woman needs for her body into one daily vitamin.

I also use colloidal silver and a natural iodine, along with lithium for brain health and to fight off any viruses. That is my current routine, but i switch it up when my body tells me it needs something else.

I have an organic protein powder on hand, eat green leafy vegetables, and only eat organic foods.

My five minute timer went off here ...


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